RELEASED email package version 2.4

I've just released the (standalone) email package version 2.4. This is identical to the version that is in the current cvs development tree for Python 2.3. It is also the version that I plan to back port to Python 2.2.2. I've also done a massive update to the web site documentation. Thanks to Fred Drake, the latter is actually in a usable format. :) email 2.4 is made available as a distutils package for installing in earlier versions of Python. It is compatible with Python 2.1.3, Python 2.2.1, and Python 2.3 cvs. email 2.4 is backward compatible with email version 1, which was released as part of Python 2.2.1. The email package is a library for parsing, handling, and generating email messages and other RFC 2822 style documents. It conforms to most of the email related RFCs including 2045-2047 (the MIME RFCs) and 2231. It is intended to replace several older modules in the standard distribution, such as rfc822, mimetools, multifile, mimify, and MIMEWriter, and such non-standard modules as mimecntl. email-2.4.tar.gz is available from the mimelib project on SourceForge: More information, as well as on-line documentation is available on the home page: As this is the version I plan to back port to Python 2.2.2 in a few days, feedback, either on the code or the documentation, will be welcome. Enjoy, -Barry
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