Re: Announcing the CPython Docs Workgroup

That seems exclusionary. Right now, anyone can contribute to documentation, anyone can comment on proposals, and any core dev can accept their patches. In the interest of transparency, can you explain why the other initial members did not need to go through an application process? ISTM the initial group excludes our most active documentation contributors and includes people who have only minimal contributions to existing documentation and mostly have not participated in any documentation reviews on the issue tracker. Did the SC approve all the initial members? Raymond

Raymond, Anyone can contribute to the documentation and comment, and core devs can accept patches. Nothing changes here. The Steering Council did approve the initial members and charter. The intent has always been to be transparent and open. As discussed at last year's Language Summit, the goal is to build a wider community of documentarians, what I will refer to as the Documentation Team, and to build a Working Group focused on one year to five year priorities. The Working Group will also act as an Editorial Board made up of members who are core developers as well as others who are passionate about documentation and education. On a personal note as I mentioned in the PyCascades Core Dev Panel, I have had a very challenging last year including burnout and depression. I imagine this past year has been hard for many. Any delay in the Docs Workgroup falls squarely on my shoulders. Please assume that there is good intent and transparency behind this workgroup. For the record, the four individuals listed are those that were instrumental in last year's Language Summit presentation as well as Julian Palard who has had a formal role in CPython Documentation. There were many folks that worked on the charter during the last Core Dev sprint who are not in this initial group, but it is my sincere hope that they will apply, as I hope you will, along with any others who are interested. Thanks! Carol On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 1:15 AM Raymond Hettinger <> wrote:

Raymond, Anyone can contribute to the documentation and comment, and core devs can accept patches. Nothing changes here. The Steering Council did approve the initial members and charter. The intent has always been to be transparent and open. As discussed at last year's Language Summit, the goal is to build a wider community of documentarians, what I will refer to as the Documentation Team, and to build a Working Group focused on one year to five year priorities. The Working Group will also act as an Editorial Board made up of members who are core developers as well as others who are passionate about documentation and education. On a personal note as I mentioned in the PyCascades Core Dev Panel, I have had a very challenging last year including burnout and depression. I imagine this past year has been hard for many. Any delay in the Docs Workgroup falls squarely on my shoulders. Please assume that there is good intent and transparency behind this workgroup. For the record, the four individuals listed are those that were instrumental in last year's Language Summit presentation as well as Julian Palard who has had a formal role in CPython Documentation. There were many folks that worked on the charter during the last Core Dev sprint who are not in this initial group, but it is my sincere hope that they will apply, as I hope you will, along with any others who are interested. Thanks! Carol On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 1:15 AM Raymond Hettinger <> wrote:
participants (2)
Carol Willing
Raymond Hettinger