PEP 431 Time zone support improvements - Update

Happy Holidays! Here is the update of PEP 431 with the changes that emerged after the earlier discussion. A raw download is here: PEP: 431 Title: Time zone support improvements Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Lennart Regebro <> BDFL-Delegate: Barry Warsaw Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 11-Dec-2012 Post-History: 11-Dec-2012, 28-Dec-2012 Abstract ======== This PEP proposes the implementation of concrete time zone support in the Python standard library, and also improvements to the time zone API to deal with ambiguous time specifications during DST changes. Proposal ======== Concrete time zone support -------------------------- The time zone support in Python has no concrete implementation in the standard library outside of a tzinfo baseclass that supports fixed offsets. To properly support time zones you need to include a database over all time zones, both current and historical, including daylight saving changes. But such information changes frequently, so even if we include the last information in a Python release, that information would be outdated just a few months later. Time zone support has therefore only been available through two third-party modules, ``pytz`` and ``dateutil``, both who include and wrap the "zoneinfo" database. This database, also called "tz" or "The Olsen database", is the de-facto standard time zone database over time zones, and it is included in most Unix and Unix-like operating systems, including OS X. This gives us the opportunity to include the code that supports the zoneinfo data in the standard library, but by default use the operating system's copy of the data, which typically will be kept updated by the updating mechanism of the operating system or distribution. For those who have an operating system that does not include the zoneinfo database, for example Windows, the Python source distribution will include a copy of the zoneinfo database, and a distribution containing the latest zoneinfo database will also be available at the Python Package Index, so it can be easily installed with the Python packaging tools such as ``easy_install`` or ``pip``. This could also be done on Unices that are no longer recieving updates and therefore has an outdated database. With such a mechanism Python would have full time zone support in the standard library on any platform, and a simple package installation would provide an updated time zone database on those platforms where the zoneinfo database isn't included, such as Windows, or on platforms where OS updates are no longer provided. The time zone support will be implemented by making the ``datetime`` module into a package, and creating a new submodule called `timezone``, based on Stuart Bishop's ``pytz`` module. Getting the local time zone --------------------------- On Unix there is no standard way of finding the name of the time zone that is being used. All the information that is available is the time zone abbreviations, such as ``EST`` and ``PDT``, but many of those abbreviations are ambigious and therefore you can't rely on them to figure out which time zone you are located in. There is however a standard for finding the compiled time zone information since it's located in ``/etc/localtime``. Therefore it is possible to create a local time zone object with the correct time zone information even though you don't know the name of the time zone. A function in ``datetime`` should be provided to return the local time zone. The support for this will be made by integrating Lennart Regebro's ``tzlocal`` module into the new ``timezone`` module. For Windows it will look up the local Windows time zone name, and use a mapping between Windows time zone names and zoneinfo time zone names provided by the Unicode consortium to convert that to a zoneinfo timezone. The mapping should be updated before each major or bugfix release, scripts for doing so will be provided in the ``Tools/`` directory. Ambiguous times --------------- When changing over from daylight savings time the clock is turned back one hour. This means that the times during that hour happens twice, once without DST and then once with DST. Similarily, when changing to daylight savings time, one hour goes missing. The current time zone API can not differentiating between the two ambiguous times during a change from DST. For example, in Stockholm the time of 2012-11-28 02:00:00 happens twice, both at UTC 2012-11-28 00:00:00 and also at 2012-11-28 01:00:00. The current time zone API can not disambiguate this and therefore it's unclear which time should be returned:: # This could be either 00:00 or 01:00 UTC: >>> dt = datetime(2012, 10, 28, 2, 0, tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Stockholm')) # But we can not specify which: >>> dt.astimezone(timezone('UTC')) datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 28, 1, 0, tzinfo=<UTC>) ``pytz`` solved this problem by adding ``is_dst`` parameters to several methods of the tzinfo objects to make it possible to disambiguate times when this is desired. This PEP proposes to add these ``is_dst`` parameters to the relevant methods of the ``datetime`` API, and therefore add this functionality directly to ``datetime``. This is likely the hardest part of this PEP as this involves updating the C version of the ``datetime`` library with this functionality, as this involved writing new code, and not just reorganizing existing external libraries. Implementation API ================== The zoneinfo database --------------------- The latest version of the zoneinfo database should exist in the ``Lib/tzdata`` directory of the Python source control system. This copy of the database should be updated before every Python feature and bug-fix release, but not for releases of Python versions that are in security-fix-only-mode. Scripts to update the database will be provided in ``Tools/``, and the release instructions will be updated to include this update. The new ``datetime.timezone``-module ------------------------------------ The public API of the new ``timezone``-module contains one new class, one new function and one new exception. * New class: ``DstTzInfo`` This class provides a concrete implementation of the ``zoneinfo`` base class that implements DST support. * New function :``timezone(name=None, db_path=None)`` This function takes a name string that must be a string specifying a valid zoneinfo timezone, ie "US/Eastern", "Europe/Warsaw" or "Etc/GMT+11". If not given, the local timezone will be looked up. If an invalid zone name are given, or the local timezone can not be retrieved, the function raises `UnknownTimeZoneError`. The function also takes an optional path to the location of the zoneinfo database which should be used. If not specified, the function will look for databases in the following order: 1. Use the database in ``/usr/share/zoneinfo``, if it exists. 2. Check if the `tzdata-update` module is installed, and then use that database. 3. Check the Python-provided database in ``Lib/tzdata``. If no database is found an ``UnknownTimeZoneError`` or subclass thereof will be raised with a message explaining that no zoneinfo database can be found, but that you can install one with the ``tzdata-update`` package. * New Exception: ``UnknownTimeZoneError`` This exception is a subclass of KeyError and raised when giving a time zone specification that can't be found:: >>> datetime.Timezone('Europe/New_York') Traceback (most recent call last): ... UnknownTimeZoneError: There is no time zone called 'Europe/New_York' Changes in the ``datetime``-module ---------------------------------- A new ``is_dst`` parameter is added to several of the `tzinfo` methods to handle time ambiguity during DST changeovers. * ``tzinfo.utcoffset(self, dt, is_dst=False)`` * ``tzinfo.dst(self, dt, is_dst=False)`` * ``tzinfo.tzname(self, dt, is_dst=False)`` The ``is_dst`` parameter can be ``False`` (default), ``True``, or ``None``. ``False`` will specify that the given datetime should be interpreted as not happening during daylight savings time, ie that the time specified is after the change from DST. ``True`` will specify that the given datetime should be interpreted as happening during daylight savings time, ie that the time specified is before the change from DST. ``None`` will raise an ``AmbiguousTimeError`` exception if the time specified was during a DST change over. It will also raise a ``NonExistentTimeError`` if a time is specified during the "missing time" in a change to DST. There are also three new exceptions: * ``InvalidTimeError`` This exception serves as a base for ``AmbiguousTimeError`` and ``NonExistentTimeError``, to enable you to trap these two separately. It will subclass from ValueError, so that you can catch these errors together with inputs like the 29th of February 2011. * ``AmbiguousTimeError`` This exception is raised when giving a datetime specification that are ambigious while setting ``is_dst`` to None:: >>> datetime(2012, 11, 28, 2, 0, tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Stockholm'), is_dst=None) >>> Traceback (most recent call last): ... AmbiguousTimeError: 2012-10-28 02:00:00 is ambiguous in time zone Europe/Stockholm * ``NonExistentTimeError`` This exception is raised when giving a datetime specification that are ambigious while setting ``is_dst`` to None:: >>> datetime(2012, 3, 25, 2, 0, tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Stockholm'), is_dst=None) >>> Traceback (most recent call last): ... NonExistentTimeError: 2012-03-25 02:00:00 does not exist in time zone Europe/Stockholm The ``tzdata-update``-package ----------------------------- The zoneinfo database will be packaged for easy installation with ``easy_install``/``pip``/``buildout``. This package will not install any Python code, and will not contain any Python code except that which is needed for installation. Differences from the ``pytz`` API ================================= * ``pytz`` has the functions ``localize()`` and ``normalize()`` to work around that ``tzinfo`` doesn't have is_dst. When ``is_dst`` is implemented directly in ``datetime.tzinfo`` they are no longer needed. * ``timezone()`` will return the local time zone if called without parameters. * The class ``pytz.StaticTzInfo`` is there to provide the ``is_dst`` support for static timezones. When ``is_dst`` support is included in ``datetime.tzinfo`` it is no longer needed. * ``InvalidTimeError`` subclasses from ``ValueError``. Discussion ========== Should the windows installer include the data package? ------------------------------------------------------ It has been suggested that the Windows installer should include the data package. This would mean that an explicit installation no longer would be needed on Windows. On the other hand, that would mean that many using Windows would not be aware that the database quickly becomes outdated and would not keep it updated. Resources ========= * * * * Copyright ========= This document has been placed in the public domain.

On 28 Dec, 2012, at 21:23, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
Happy Holidays! Here is the update of PEP 431 with the changes that emerged after the earlier discussion.
Why is the new timezone support added in a submodule of datetime? Adding the new function and exception to datetime itself wouldn't clutter the API that much, and datetime already contains some timezone support (datetime.tzinfo). Ronald

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Ronald Oussoren <>wrote:
On 28 Dec, 2012, at 21:23, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
Happy Holidays! Here is the update of PEP 431 with the changes that emerged after the earlier discussion.
Why is the new timezone support added in a submodule of datetime?
Because several people wanted it that way and nobody objected.
Adding the new function and exception to datetime itself wouldn't clutter the API that much
It will make the twice as long though, and the second longest module in the stdlib, beaten only by Perhaps this is not a problem. //Lennart

2012/12/28 Lennart Regebro <>:
It will make the twice as long though, and the second longest module in the stdlib, beaten only by Perhaps this is not a problem.
No one ever accused datetime manipulation of being simple. -- Regards, Benjamin

On 29 Dec, 2012, at 5:48, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Ronald Oussoren <> wrote:
On 28 Dec, 2012, at 21:23, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
Happy Holidays! Here is the update of PEP 431 with the changes that emerged after the earlier discussion.
Why is the new timezone support added in a submodule of datetime?
Because several people wanted it that way and nobody objected.
Adding the new function and exception to datetime itself wouldn't clutter the API that much
It will make the twice as long though, and the second longest module in the stdlib, beaten only by Perhaps this is not a problem.
The module could be split into several modules in a package without affecting the public API if that would help with maintenance, simular to unittest. Ronald

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Ronald Oussoren <>wrote:
The module could be split into several modules in a package without affecting the public API if that would help with maintenance, simular to unittest.
This is of course true. Maybe that is a good idea. //Lennart

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Ronald Oussoren <>wrote:
The module could be split into several modules in a package without affecting the public API if that would help with maintenance, simular to unittest.
Is there popular support for doing so, ie make datetime into a package, have all of the pytz modules in there, but letting the public API go only through datetime, ie no timezone submodule? If the list decides so, I'll update the PEP. //Lennart

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Ronald Oussoren <> wrote:
The module could be split into several modules in a package without affecting the public API if that would help with maintenance, simular to unittest.
Is there popular support for doing so, ie make datetime into a package, have all of the pytz modules in there, but letting the public API go only through datetime, ie no timezone submodule?
If the list decides so, I'll update the PEP.
+1 for putting this under datetime; "Namespaces are one honking great idea". People looking for date stuff is going to look in datetime or time first so might as well put it there to begin with.

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Brett Cannon <> wrote: ..
+1 for putting this under datetime; "Namespaces are one honking great idea". People looking for date stuff is going to look in datetime or time first so might as well put it there to begin with.
+1 for the same reason.

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Ronald Oussoren <>wrote:
On 28 Dec, 2012, at 21:23, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
Happy Holidays! Here is the update of PEP 431 with the changes that emerged after the earlier discussion.
Why is the new timezone support added in a submodule of datetime? Adding the new function and exception to datetime itself wouldn't clutter the API that much, and datetime already contains some timezone support (datetime.tzinfo).
Putting the API directly into the datetime module does conflict with the new timezone class from Python 3.2. The timezone() function therefore needs to be called something else, or the timezone class must be renamed. Alternative names for the timezone() function is get_timezone(), which has already been rejected, and zoneinfo() which makes it clear that it's only zoneinfo timezones that are relevant. Or the timezone class get's renamed TimeZone (which is more PEP8 anyway). We can allow the timezone() function to take both timezone(offset, [name]) as now, and timezone(name) and return a TimeZone object in the first case and a zoneinfo based timezone in the second case. Or maybe somebody else can come up with more clever options?

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:08 PM, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:12 PM, Ronald Oussoren <> wrote:
On 28 Dec, 2012, at 21:23, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
Happy Holidays! Here is the update of PEP 431 with the changes that emerged after the earlier discussion.
Why is the new timezone support added in a submodule of datetime? Adding the new function and exception to datetime itself wouldn't clutter the API that much, and datetime already contains some timezone support (datetime.tzinfo).
Putting the API directly into the datetime module does conflict with the new timezone class from Python 3.2. The timezone() function therefore needs to be called something else, or the timezone class must be renamed.
Can't rename the class since that would potentially break code (e.g. if the class can be pickled).
Alternative names for the timezone() function is get_timezone(), which has already been rejected, and zoneinfo() which makes it clear that it's only zoneinfo timezones that are relevant.
I'm personally +0 on zoneinfo(), but I don't have a better suggestion. -Brett
Or the timezone class get's renamed TimeZone (which is more PEP8 anyway).
We can allow the timezone() function to take both timezone(offset, [name]) as now, and timezone(name) and return a TimeZone object in the first case and a zoneinfo based timezone in the second case.
Or maybe somebody else can come up with more clever options?
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On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 5:02 AM, Brett Cannon <> wrote:
On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:08 PM, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
Alternative names for the timezone() function is get_timezone(), which has already been rejected, and zoneinfo() which makes it clear that it's only zoneinfo timezones that are relevant.
I'm personally +0 on zoneinfo(), but I don't have a better suggestion.
zoneinfo() sounds reasonable to me. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:23 AM, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
Happy Holidays! Here is the update of PEP 431 with the changes that emerged after the earlier discussion.
A raw download is here:
For UI purposes, "pytz" has some helpers to get lists of timezone names (all, common and country specific): Is there a specific reason you chose to exclude those from the PEP?
Discussion ==========
Should the windows installer include the data package? ------------------------------------------------------
It has been suggested that the Windows installer should include the data package. This would mean that an explicit installation no longer would be needed on Windows. On the other hand, that would mean that many using Windows would not be aware that the database quickly becomes outdated and would not keep it updated.
I'm still a fan of *always* shipping fallback tzdata, regardless of platform. The stdlib would then look in three places for timezone data when datetime.timezone was first imported: 1. the "tzdata-update" database 2. the OS provided database 3. the fallback database Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia

On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 16:00:39 +1000 Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
Discussion ==========
Should the windows installer include the data package? ------------------------------------------------------
It has been suggested that the Windows installer should include the data package. This would mean that an explicit installation no longer would be needed on Windows. On the other hand, that would mean that many using Windows would not be aware that the database quickly becomes outdated and would not keep it updated.
I'm still a fan of *always* shipping fallback tzdata, regardless of platform. The stdlib would then look in three places for timezone data when datetime.timezone was first imported:
1. the "tzdata-update" database 2. the OS provided database 3. the fallback database
+1 ! Regards Antoine.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Antoine Pitrou <> wrote:
I'm still a fan of *always* shipping fallback tzdata, regardless of platform. The stdlib would then look in three places for timezone data when datetime.timezone was first imported:
1. the "tzdata-update" database 2. the OS provided database 3. the fallback database
+1 !
Yeah, from me as well. Cheers, Dirkjan

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:23 AM, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
Happy Holidays! Here is the update of PEP 431 with the changes that emerged after the earlier discussion.
A raw download is here:
For UI purposes, "pytz" has some helpers to get lists of timezone names (all, common and country specific):
Funnily enough, I woke up this morning thinking that this should be added, and wondering why pytz didn't have such lists. So I just missed (or rather forgot) that they existed. I'll add them. Is there a specific reason you chose to exclude those from the PEP?
Discussion ==========
Should the windows installer include the data package? ------------------------------------------------------
It has been suggested that the Windows installer should include the data package. This would mean that an explicit installation no longer would be needed on Windows. On the other hand, that would mean that many using Windows would not be aware that the database quickly becomes outdated and would not keep it updated.
I'm still a fan of *always* shipping fallback tzdata
Yes, and I did update the rest of the PEP with this, but I missed the discussion part. //Lennart

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 12/29/2012 01:00 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
I'm still a fan of *always* shipping fallback tzdata, regardless of platform. The stdlib would then look in three places for timezone data when datetime.timezone was first imported:
1. the "tzdata-update" database 2. the OS provided database 3. the fallback database
- -Lots for enabling fallback by default except on platforms known not to have their own database, or given some explicit ''-like knob enabling it. A clean error is better than a bad-but-silent answer. Tres. - -- =================================================================== Tres Seaver +1 540-429-0999 Palladion Software "Excellence by Design" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined - iEYEARECAAYFAlDfOMEACgkQ+gerLs4ltQ7mfQCgxV13Ch7eW/yDwCPMfEebeNuY xr0An1yvuUkVUQGY8nKDt9GxemdLlHMA =JtY0 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Tres Seaver <> wrote:
- -Lots for enabling fallback by default except on platforms known not to have their own database
Well, it's the same thing really. If the platform does have a database, the fallback will not be used. Of course, there is the case of the database existing on the platform normally, but somebody for some reason deleting the files, but I don't think that case deserves an error message. I also expect that most platform distributions, such as for Ubuntu, will not include the fallback database, as it will never be used. I'll add something about that and that we need to raise an error of some sort (any opinions on what?) if no database is found at all. //Lennart

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:54 PM, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Tres Seaver <>wrote:
- -Lots for enabling fallback by default except on platforms known not to have their own database
Well, it's the same thing really. If the platform does have a database, the fallback will not be used. Of course, there is the case of the database existing on the platform normally, but somebody for some reason deleting the files, but I don't think that case deserves an error message.
I also expect that most platform distributions, such as for Ubuntu, will not include the fallback database, as it will never be used. I'll add something about that and that we need to raise an error of some sort (any opinions on what?) if no database is found at all.
Actually I already added that, but opinions on what error to raise are still welcome. Currently it says: If no database is found an ``UnknownTimeZoneError`` or subclass thereof will be raised with a message explaining that no zoneinfo database can be found, but that you can install one with the ``tzdata-update`` package.

On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 19:56:43 +0100 Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:54 PM, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Tres Seaver <>wrote:
- -Lots for enabling fallback by default except on platforms known not to have their own database
Well, it's the same thing really. If the platform does have a database, the fallback will not be used. Of course, there is the case of the database existing on the platform normally, but somebody for some reason deleting the files, but I don't think that case deserves an error message.
I also expect that most platform distributions, such as for Ubuntu, will not include the fallback database, as it will never be used. I'll add something about that and that we need to raise an error of some sort (any opinions on what?) if no database is found at all.
Actually I already added that, but opinions on what error to raise are still welcome. Currently it says:
If no database is found an ``UnknownTimeZoneError`` or subclass thereof will be raised with a message explaining that no zoneinfo database can be found, but that you can install one with the ``tzdata-update`` package.
Why should we care about that situation if we *do* provide a database? Distributions can decide to exclude some files from their packages, but it's their problem, not ours. Regards Antoine.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Antoine Pitrou <> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:54 PM, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Tres Seaver < wrote:
- -Lots for enabling fallback by default except on platforms known not to have their own database
Well, it's the same thing really. If the platform does have a database, the fallback will not be used. Of course, there is the case of the database existing on the platform normally, but somebody for some reason deleting the files, but I don't think that case deserves an error message.
I also expect that most platform distributions, such as for Ubuntu, will not include the fallback database, as it will never be used. I'll add something about that and that we need to raise an error of some sort (any opinions on what?) if no database is found at all.
Actually I already added that, but opinions on what error to raise are still welcome. Currently it says:
If no database is found an ``UnknownTimeZoneError`` or subclass
On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 19:56:43 +0100 Lennart Regebro <> wrote: thereof
will be raised with a message explaining that no zoneinfo database can be found, but that you can install one with the ``tzdata-update`` package.
Why should we care about that situation if we *do* provide a database? Distributions can decide to exclude some files from their packages, but it's their problem, not ours.
Yes, but a comprehensible error message is useful even if somebody messed up the system/configuration. //Lennart

On 29Dec2012 21:16, Lennart Regebro <> wrote: | On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Antoine Pitrou <> wrote: | > Why should we care about that situation if we *do* provide a database? | > Distributions can decide to exclude some files from their packages, but | > it's their problem, not ours. | | Yes, but a comprehensible error message is useful even if somebody messed | up the system/configuration. Couldn't you just agree to augument the exception with some "I looked here, there and there" information. It avoids a lot of bikeshedding and makes things clear. You're not diagnosing system misconfiguration, just saying "I can't find stuff, and here is where I looked". Cheers, -- Cameron Simpson <>

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:55 PM, Cameron Simpson <> wrote:
On 29Dec2012 21:16, Lennart Regebro <> wrote: | On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Antoine Pitrou <> wrote: | > Why should we care about that situation if we *do* provide a database? | > Distributions can decide to exclude some files from their packages, but | > it's their problem, not ours. | | Yes, but a comprehensible error message is useful even if somebody messed | up the system/configuration.
Couldn't you just agree to augument the exception with some "I looked here, there and there" information. It avoids a lot of bikeshedding and makes things clear. You're not diagnosing system misconfiguration, just saying "I can't find stuff, and here is where I looked".
Since the location of the tzdata-update package isn't a fixed place it's hard to say "I looked here, there and there", though. I don't think anyone has suggested making any diagnostics. :-) //Lennart

On 30Dec2012 07:42, Lennart Regebro <> wrote: | On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:55 PM, Cameron Simpson <> wrote: | | > On 29Dec2012 21:16, Lennart Regebro <> wrote: | > | On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Antoine Pitrou <> | > wrote: | > | > Why should we care about that situation if we *do* provide a database? | > | > Distributions can decide to exclude some files from their packages, but | > | > it's their problem, not ours. | > | | > | Yes, but a comprehensible error message is useful even if somebody messed | > | up the system/configuration. | > | > Couldn't you just agree to augument the exception with some "I looked | > here, there and there" information. It avoids a lot of bikeshedding and | > makes things clear. You're not diagnosing system misconfiguration, just | > saying "I can't find stuff, and here is where I looked". | | Since the location of the tzdata-update package isn't a fixed place it's | hard to say "I looked here, there and there", though. I don't think anyone | has suggested making any diagnostics. :-) I think I misunderstood the context. Never mind. -- Cameron Simpson <> Displays are sold by the acre, not the function. - overhead by WIRED at the Intelligent Printing conference Oct2006

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:59 PM, Terry Reedy <> wrote:
On 12/29/2012 3:16 PM, Lennart Regebro wrote:
Yes, but a comprehensible error message is useful even if somebody
messed up the system/configuration.
Just reuse whatever exception type you create and add a sensible message. Hopefully, it will never be seen.
I haven't implemented this, but I suspect the code will in the end look for the tzdata module, which means that if it doesn't exist, the error raised is an ImportError. //Lennart

On 30/12/12 07:16, Lennart Regebro wrote:
If no database is found an ``UnknownTimeZoneError`` or subclass
will be raised with a message explaining that no zoneinfo database can be found, but that you can install one with the ``tzdata-update`` package.
Why should we care about that situation if we *do* provide a database? Distributions can decide to exclude some files from their packages, but it's their problem, not ours.
Yes, but a comprehensible error message is useful even if somebody messed up the system/configuration.
+1 -- Steven

2012-12-29 19:54:42 Lennart Regebro napisał(a):
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Tres Seaver <> wrote:
- -Lots for enabling fallback by default except on platforms known not to have their own database
Well, it's the same thing really. If the platform does have a database, the fallback will not be used.
I suggest that configure script support --enable-internal-timezone-database / --disable-internal-timezone-database options. --disable-internal-timezone-database should cause that installational targets in Makefile would not install files of timezone database. -- Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Tres Seaver <> wrote:
- -Lots for enabling fallback by default except on platforms known not to have their own database
Well, it's the same thing really. If the platform does have a database,
2012-12-29 19:54:42 Lennart Regebro napisał(a): the
fallback will not be used.
I suggest that configure script support --enable-internal-timezone-database / --disable-internal-timezone-database options. --disable-internal-timezone-database should cause that installational targets in Makefile would not install files of timezone database.
Will this help the makers of distributions, like Ubuntu etc? If that is the case, then it might be worth doing, otherwise I don't think it's very useful. //Lennart

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Lennart Regebro <> wrote:
Will this help the makers of distributions, like Ubuntu etc? If that is the case, then it might be worth doing, otherwise I don't think it's very useful.
As a Gentoo packager, I think it's useful. Cheers, Dirkjan
participants (13)
Alexander Belopolsky
Antoine Pitrou
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis
Benjamin Peterson
Brett Cannon
Cameron Simpson
Dirkjan Ochtman
Lennart Regebro
Nick Coghlan
Ronald Oussoren
Steven D'Aprano
Terry Reedy
Tres Seaver