Detect memory leaks in unit tests

Hello there, I would like to discuss a proposal regarding one aspect which AFAIK is currently missing from cPython's test suite: the ability to detect memory leaks of functions implemented in the C extension modules. In psutil I use a test class/framework which calls a function many times, and fails if the process memory increased after doing so. I do this in order to quickly detect missing free() or Py_DECREF calls in the C code, but I suppose there may be other use cases. Here's the class: Detecting a memory leak is no easy task, and that's because the process memory fluctuates. Sometimes it may increase (or even decrease!) even if there's no leak, I suppose because of how the OS handles memory, the Python's garbage collector, the fact that RSS is an approximation, and who knows what else. In order to compensate fluctuations I did the following: in case of failure (mem > 0 after calling fun() N times) I retry the test for up to 5 times, increasing N (repetitions) each time, so I consider the test a failure only if the memory keeps increasing across all runs. So for instance, here's a legitimate failure: psutil.tests.test_memory_leaks.TestModuleFunctionsLeaks.test_disk_partitions ... Run #1: extra-mem=696.0K, per-call=3.5K, calls=200 Run #2: extra-mem=1.4M, per-call=3.5K, calls=400 Run #3: extra-mem=2.1M, per-call=3.5K, calls=600 Run #4: extra-mem=2.7M, per-call=3.5K, calls=800 Run #5: extra-mem=3.4M, per-call=3.5K, calls=1000 FAIL If, on the other hand, the memory increased on one run (say 200 calls) but decreased on the next run (say 400 calls), then it clearly means it's a false positive, because memory consumption may be > 0 on the second run, but if it's lower than the previous run with less repetitions, then it cannot possibly represent a leak (just a fluctuation): psutil.tests.test_memory_leaks.TestModuleFunctionsLeaks.test_net_connections ... Run #1: extra-mem=568.0K, per-call=2.8K, calls=200 Run #2: extra-mem=24.0K, per-call=61.4B, calls=400 OK This is the best I could come up with as a simple leak detection mechanism to integrate with CI services, and keep more advanced tools like Valgrind out of the picture (I just wanted to know if there's a leak, not to debug the leak itself). In addition, since psutil is able to get the number of fds (UNIX) and handles (Windows) opened by a process, I also run a separate set of tests to make sure I didn't forget to call close(2) or CloseHandle() in C. Would something like this make sense to have in cPython? Here's a quick PoC I put together just to show how this thing would look like in practice: A proper work in terms of API coverage would result being quite huge (test all C modules), and ideally should also include cases where functions raise an exception when being fed with an improper input. The biggest stopper here is, of course, psutil, since it's a third party dep, but before getting to that I wanted to see how this idea is perceived in general. Cheers, -- Giampaolo -

Py_DECREF calls in the C code
I think this part specifically is already covered through refleak checks: Since it can involve the repetition of tests many times, these aren't run on the CI though, they do get run on the refleak buildbots so issues get caught eventually: But again this is for PyObjects only. Were you able to find any memory leaks with your proof-of-concept? I don't think there's a lot of chances of someone missing a PyMem_Free call and there's not a lot of other manual memory management but I could be wrong. Anything found there could help motivate adding this a bit more. On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 4:59 PM Giampaolo Rodola' <> wrote:

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 9:17 AM Ammar Askar <> wrote:
Yeah, I agree it depends on how many PyMem_* occurrences are there, and it probably makes more sense to cover those ones only. Under Modules/* I found: - 24 occurrences for PyMem_RawMalloc - 2 for PyMem_RawCalloc - 106 for PyMem_Malloc - 12 for PyMem_Calloc - 39 for PyMem_New - 5 for " = malloc(" I spent an hour covering around 20 of those and didn't find any leak. It's a boring work. I will try to work on it over the next few weeks.

But again this is for PyObjects only.
Not really, we check also memory blocks: as long as you don't directly call malloc and use one of the Python specific APIs like PyMem_Malloc then the reflect code should catch that. On Wed, 13 May 2020 at 12:29, Giampaolo Rodola' <> wrote:

C extensions "should" use PyMem_Malloc/PyMem_Free to benefit of PEP 445 hooks like debug hooks and tracemalloc. * Debug hooks (enabled by -X dev) helps to debug buffer overflow: * tracemalloc: * PEP 445, API for memory allocators: tracemalloc is used more and more often in CPython internals to provide more information when an issue is detected. Example with ResourceWarning: Buffer overflow: "On error, the debug hooks use the tracemalloc module to get the traceback where a memory block was allocated. The traceback is only displayed if tracemalloc is tracing Python memory allocations and the memory block was traced." Also, PyMem_Malloc/PyMem_Free now use pymalloc memory allocator which is more efficient than libc malloc/free for memory blocks smaller than or equal to 512 bytes. When I modified them to use pymalloc, I saw a global speedup around 10% faster. But these functions require the caller to hold the GIL. Use PyMem_RawMalloc/PyMem_RawFree if you don't hold the GIL. Note: The Python ssl module doesn't use PyMem_Malloc/PyMem_Free for OpenSSL. Last time I tried, the OpenSSL function to set a custom memory allocator didn't work at all. Maybe it has been fixed in the meanwhile. See for the list of C extensions which may be modified to use Python memory allocators. Victor Le mer. 13 mai 2020 à 14:23, Pablo Galindo Salgado <> a écrit :
-- Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

Aah, thanks for pointing this out. As a quick side note: are these cool regrtest features documented anywhere? I remember seeing some mention of the -R 3:3 argument in the dev guide but nothing else. Probably useful to have this documented somewhere in the dev guide. On Wed, May 13, 2020, 5:14 AM Pablo Galindo Salgado <> wrote:

On Wed, 2020-05-13 at 13:14 +0100, Pablo Galindo Salgado wrote:
Maybe worth briefly mentioning in this discussion that pytest-leaks exists: which serves much the same purpose as for pytest users. (I run it semi-regularly on NumPy and it helped me get the tests de-facto free of leaks.) I have used valgrind for similar purpose, but refleaks/pytest-leaks is better for leaks. Cheers, Sebastian

Hi, Le mer. 13 mai 2020 à 02:04, Giampaolo Rodola' <> a écrit :
I would like to discuss a proposal regarding one aspect which AFAIK is currently missing from cPython's test suite: the ability to detect memory leaks of functions implemented in the C extension modules.
test.regrtest can be used to detect 3 kinds of leaks: * reference leaks: use sys.gettotalrefcount() * memory block leaks: use sys.getallocatedblocks() * file descriptor leaks: use See Lib/test/libregrtest/
regrtest usually uses 3 test runs to "warmup" Python: fill caches. Then it runs the test 3 more times and check for differences. For references and memory blocks, it only consider that there is a leak if each test run increased the counter difference by at least one. For file descriptor, it considers that there is a leak if any test run changed a counter. Before reading "counters", regrtest tries to clear "all" caches that it knows in the stdlib. Examples: path importer cache, re module cache, type method cache, etc. See dash_R_cleanup() function of test.libregrtest.refleak. Sadly, there are still a few false alarms time to time, like: "test_functools leaked [1, 2, 1] memory blocks, sum=4"
This is the best I could come up with as a simple leak detection mechanism to integrate with CI services, and keep more advanced tools like Valgrind out of the picture (I just wanted to know if there's a leak, not to debug the leak itself). In addition, since psutil is able to get the number of fds (UNIX) and handles (Windows) opened by a process, I also run a separate set of tests to make sure I didn't forget to call close(2) or CloseHandle() in C.
I tried to modify regrtest to check for leak of Windows handles: But many stdlib modules leak handles in various cases. I gave up when I failed to fix a race condition in multiprocessing: The parent expects the child process to "steal" a handle, but sometimes the child process is killed before it steals the handle... -- I also tried to check for PyMem_RawMalloc() memory leaks, but it made regrtest not reliable at all: I understood that CPython has many internal caches and regrtest fails to clear them all, or it was something different. I never investigated.
regrtest has many features, sadly it's not an officialy API. It would be nice if someone could try to move some of its features into unittest. Sadly, regrtest refleak feature also rely a lot on CPython internals. Victor -- Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

Py_DECREF calls in the C code
I think this part specifically is already covered through refleak checks: Since it can involve the repetition of tests many times, these aren't run on the CI though, they do get run on the refleak buildbots so issues get caught eventually: But again this is for PyObjects only. Were you able to find any memory leaks with your proof-of-concept? I don't think there's a lot of chances of someone missing a PyMem_Free call and there's not a lot of other manual memory management but I could be wrong. Anything found there could help motivate adding this a bit more. On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 4:59 PM Giampaolo Rodola' <> wrote:

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 9:17 AM Ammar Askar <> wrote:
Yeah, I agree it depends on how many PyMem_* occurrences are there, and it probably makes more sense to cover those ones only. Under Modules/* I found: - 24 occurrences for PyMem_RawMalloc - 2 for PyMem_RawCalloc - 106 for PyMem_Malloc - 12 for PyMem_Calloc - 39 for PyMem_New - 5 for " = malloc(" I spent an hour covering around 20 of those and didn't find any leak. It's a boring work. I will try to work on it over the next few weeks.

But again this is for PyObjects only.
Not really, we check also memory blocks: as long as you don't directly call malloc and use one of the Python specific APIs like PyMem_Malloc then the reflect code should catch that. On Wed, 13 May 2020 at 12:29, Giampaolo Rodola' <> wrote:

C extensions "should" use PyMem_Malloc/PyMem_Free to benefit of PEP 445 hooks like debug hooks and tracemalloc. * Debug hooks (enabled by -X dev) helps to debug buffer overflow: * tracemalloc: * PEP 445, API for memory allocators: tracemalloc is used more and more often in CPython internals to provide more information when an issue is detected. Example with ResourceWarning: Buffer overflow: "On error, the debug hooks use the tracemalloc module to get the traceback where a memory block was allocated. The traceback is only displayed if tracemalloc is tracing Python memory allocations and the memory block was traced." Also, PyMem_Malloc/PyMem_Free now use pymalloc memory allocator which is more efficient than libc malloc/free for memory blocks smaller than or equal to 512 bytes. When I modified them to use pymalloc, I saw a global speedup around 10% faster. But these functions require the caller to hold the GIL. Use PyMem_RawMalloc/PyMem_RawFree if you don't hold the GIL. Note: The Python ssl module doesn't use PyMem_Malloc/PyMem_Free for OpenSSL. Last time I tried, the OpenSSL function to set a custom memory allocator didn't work at all. Maybe it has been fixed in the meanwhile. See for the list of C extensions which may be modified to use Python memory allocators. Victor Le mer. 13 mai 2020 à 14:23, Pablo Galindo Salgado <> a écrit :
-- Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

Aah, thanks for pointing this out. As a quick side note: are these cool regrtest features documented anywhere? I remember seeing some mention of the -R 3:3 argument in the dev guide but nothing else. Probably useful to have this documented somewhere in the dev guide. On Wed, May 13, 2020, 5:14 AM Pablo Galindo Salgado <> wrote:

On Wed, 2020-05-13 at 13:14 +0100, Pablo Galindo Salgado wrote:
Maybe worth briefly mentioning in this discussion that pytest-leaks exists: which serves much the same purpose as for pytest users. (I run it semi-regularly on NumPy and it helped me get the tests de-facto free of leaks.) I have used valgrind for similar purpose, but refleaks/pytest-leaks is better for leaks. Cheers, Sebastian

Hi, Le mer. 13 mai 2020 à 02:04, Giampaolo Rodola' <> a écrit :
I would like to discuss a proposal regarding one aspect which AFAIK is currently missing from cPython's test suite: the ability to detect memory leaks of functions implemented in the C extension modules.
test.regrtest can be used to detect 3 kinds of leaks: * reference leaks: use sys.gettotalrefcount() * memory block leaks: use sys.getallocatedblocks() * file descriptor leaks: use See Lib/test/libregrtest/
regrtest usually uses 3 test runs to "warmup" Python: fill caches. Then it runs the test 3 more times and check for differences. For references and memory blocks, it only consider that there is a leak if each test run increased the counter difference by at least one. For file descriptor, it considers that there is a leak if any test run changed a counter. Before reading "counters", regrtest tries to clear "all" caches that it knows in the stdlib. Examples: path importer cache, re module cache, type method cache, etc. See dash_R_cleanup() function of test.libregrtest.refleak. Sadly, there are still a few false alarms time to time, like: "test_functools leaked [1, 2, 1] memory blocks, sum=4"
This is the best I could come up with as a simple leak detection mechanism to integrate with CI services, and keep more advanced tools like Valgrind out of the picture (I just wanted to know if there's a leak, not to debug the leak itself). In addition, since psutil is able to get the number of fds (UNIX) and handles (Windows) opened by a process, I also run a separate set of tests to make sure I didn't forget to call close(2) or CloseHandle() in C.
I tried to modify regrtest to check for leak of Windows handles: But many stdlib modules leak handles in various cases. I gave up when I failed to fix a race condition in multiprocessing: The parent expects the child process to "steal" a handle, but sometimes the child process is killed before it steals the handle... -- I also tried to check for PyMem_RawMalloc() memory leaks, but it made regrtest not reliable at all: I understood that CPython has many internal caches and regrtest fails to clear them all, or it was something different. I never investigated.
regrtest has many features, sadly it's not an officialy API. It would be nice if someone could try to move some of its features into unittest. Sadly, regrtest refleak feature also rely a lot on CPython internals. Victor -- Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
participants (5)
Ammar Askar
Giampaolo Rodola'
Pablo Galindo Salgado
Sebastian Berg
Victor Stinner