[RFC] PEP 418: Add monotonic time, performance counter and process time functions

Hi, Here is a simplified version of the first draft of the PEP 418. The full version can be read online. http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0418/ The implementation of the PEP can be found in this issue: http://bugs.python.org/issue14428 I post a simplified version for readability and to focus on changes introduced by the PEP. Removed sections: Existing Functions, Deprecated Function, Glossary, Hardware clocks, Operating system time functions, System Standby, Links. --- PEP: 418 Title: Add monotonic time, performance counter and process time functions Version: f2bb3f74298a Last-Modified: 2012-04-15 17:06:07 +0200 (Sun, 15 Apr 2012) Author: Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au>, Jim Jewett <jimjjewett@gmail.com>, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 26-March-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Abstract ======== This PEP proposes to add ``time.get_clock_info(name)``, ``time.monotonic()``, ``time.perf_counter()`` and ``time.process_time()`` functions to Python 3.3. Rationale ========= If a program uses the system time to schedule events or to implement a timeout, it will not run events at the right moment or stop the timeout too early or too late when the system time is set manually or adjusted automatically by NTP. A monotonic clock should be used instead to not be affected by system time updates: ``time.monotonic()``. To measure the performance of a function, ``time.clock()`` can be used but it is very different on Windows and on Unix. On Windows, ``time.clock()`` includes time elapsed during sleep, whereas it does not on Unix. ``time.clock()`` precision is very good on Windows, but very bad on Unix. The new ``time.perf_counter()`` function should be used instead to always get the most precise performance counter with a portable behaviour (ex: include time spend during sleep). To measure CPU time, Python does not provide directly a portable function. ``time.clock()`` can be used on Unix, but it has a bad precision. ``resource.getrusage()`` can also be used on Unix, but it requires to get fields of a structure and compute the sum of time spent in kernel space and user space. The new ``time.process_time()`` function acts as a portable counter that always measures CPU time (doesn't include time elapsed during sleep) and has the best available precision. Each operating system implements clocks and performance counters differently, and it is useful to know exactly which function is used and some properties of the clock like its resolution and its precision. The new ``time.get_clock_info()`` function gives access to all available information of each Python time function. New functions: * ``time.monotonic()``: timeout and scheduling, not affected by system clock updates * ``time.perf_counter()``: benchmarking, most precise clock for short period * ``time.process_time()``: profiling, CPU time of the process Users of new functions: * time.monotonic(): concurrent.futures, multiprocessing, queue, subprocess, telnet and threading modules to implement timeout * time.perf_counter(): trace and timeit modules, pybench program * time.process_time(): profile module * time.get_clock_info(): pybench program to display information about the timer like the precision or the resolution The ``time.clock()`` function is deprecated because it is not portable: it behaves differently depending on the operating system. ``time.perf_counter()`` or ``time.process_time()`` should be used instead, depending on your requirements. ``time.clock()`` is marked as deprecated but is not planned for removal. Python functions ================ New Functions ------------- time.get_clock_info(name) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Get information on the specified clock. Supported clock names: * ``"clock"``: ``time.clock()`` * ``"monotonic"``: ``time.monotonic()`` * ``"perf_counter"``: ``time.perf_counter()`` * ``"process_time"``: ``time.process_time()`` * ``"time"``: ``time.time()`` Return a dictionary with the following keys: * Mandatory keys: * ``"implementation"`` (str): name of the underlying operating system function. Examples: ``"QueryPerformanceCounter()"``, ``"clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)"``. * ``"resolution"`` (float): resolution in seconds of the clock. * ``"is_monotonic"`` (bool): True if the clock cannot go backward. * Optional keys: * ``"precision"`` (float): precision in seconds of the clock reported by the operating system. * ``"is_adjusted"`` (bool): True if the clock is adjusted (e.g. by a NTP daemon). time.monotonic() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Monotonic clock, i.e. cannot go backward. It is not affected by system clock updates. The reference point of the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid and is a number of seconds. On Windows versions older than Vista, ``time.monotonic()`` detects ``GetTickCount()`` integer overflow (32 bits, roll-over after 49.7 days): it increases a delta by 2\ :sup:`32` each time than an overflow is detected. The delta is stored in the process-local state and so the value of ``time.monotonic()`` may be different in two Python processes running for more than 49 days. On more recent versions of Windows and on other operating systems, ``time.monotonic()`` is system-wide. Availability: Windows, Mac OS X, Unix, Solaris. Not available on GNU/Hurd. Pseudo-code [#pseudo]_:: if os.name == 'nt': # GetTickCount64() requires Windows Vista, Server 2008 or later if hasattr(time, '_GetTickCount64'): def monotonic(): return _time.GetTickCount64() * 1e-3 else: def monotonic(): ticks = _time.GetTickCount() if ticks < monotonic.last: # Integer overflow detected monotonic.delta += 2**32 monotonic.last = ticks return (ticks + monotonic.delta) * 1e-3 monotonic.last = 0 monotonic.delta = 0 elif os.name == 'mac': def monotonic(): if monotonic.factor is None: factor = _time.mach_timebase_info() monotonic.factor = timebase[0] / timebase[1] return _time.mach_absolute_time() * monotonic.factor monotonic.factor = None elif hasattr(time, "clock_gettime") and hasattr(time, "CLOCK_HIGHRES"): def monotonic(): return time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_HIGHRES) elif hasattr(time, "clock_gettime") and hasattr(time, "CLOCK_MONOTONIC"): def monotonic(): return time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC) On Windows, ``QueryPerformanceCounter()`` is not used even though it has a better precision than ``GetTickCount()``. It is not reliable and has too many issues. time.perf_counter() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Performance counter with the highest available precision to measure a duration. It does include time elapsed during sleep and is system-wide. The reference point of the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid and is a number of seconds. Pseudo-code:: def perf_counter(): if perf_counter.use_performance_counter: if perf_counter.performance_frequency is None: try: perf_counter.performance_frequency = _time.QueryPerformanceFrequency() except OSError: # QueryPerformanceFrequency() fails if the installed # hardware does not support a high-resolution performance # counter perf_counter.use_performance_counter = False else: return _time.QueryPerformanceCounter() / perf_counter.performance_frequency else: return _time.QueryPerformanceCounter() / perf_counter.performance_frequency if perf_counter.use_monotonic: # The monotonic clock is preferred over the system time try: return time.monotonic() except OSError: perf_counter.use_monotonic = False return time.time() perf_counter.use_performance_counter = (os.name == 'nt') if perf_counter.use_performance_counter: perf_counter.performance_frequency = None perf_counter.use_monotonic = hasattr(time, 'monotonic') time.process_time() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sum of the system and user CPU time of the current process. It does not include time elapsed during sleep. It is process-wide by definition. The reference point of the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid. It is available on all platforms. Pseudo-code [#pseudo]_:: if os.name == 'nt': def process_time(): handle = win32process.GetCurrentProcess() process_times = win32process.GetProcessTimes(handle) return (process_times['UserTime'] + process_times['KernelTime']) * 1e-7 else: import os try: import resource except ImportError: has_resource = False else: has_resource = True def process_time(): if process_time.use_process_cputime: try: return time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID) except OSError: process_time.use_process_cputime = False if process_time.use_getrusage: try: usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) return usage[0] + usage[1] except OSError: process_time.use_getrusage = False if process_time.use_times: try: times = os.times() return times[0] + times[1] except OSError: process_time.use_getrusage = False return _time.clock() process_time.use_process_cputime = ( hasattr(time, 'clock_gettime') and hasattr(time, 'CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID')) process_time.use_getrusage = has_resource # On OS/2, only the 5th field of os.times() is set, others are zeros process_time.use_times = (hasattr(os, 'times') and os.name != 'os2') Alternatives: API design ======================== Other names for time.monotonic() -------------------------------- * time.counter() * time.metronomic() * time.seconds() * time.steady(): "steady" is ambiguous: it means different things to different people. For example, on Linux, CLOCK_MONOTONIC is adjusted. If we uses the real time as the reference clock, we may say that CLOCK_MONOTONIC is steady. But CLOCK_MONOTONIC gets suspended on system suspend, whereas real time includes any time spent in suspend. * time.timeout_clock() * time.wallclock(): time.monotonic() is not the system time aka the "wall clock", but a monotonic clock with an unspecified starting point. The name "time.try_monotonic()" was also proposed for an older proposition of time.monotonic() which was falling back to the system time when no monotonic clock was available. Other names for time.perf_counter() ----------------------------------- * time.hires() * time.highres() * time.timer() Only expose operating system clocks ----------------------------------- To not have to define high-level clocks, which is a difficult task, a simpler approach is to only expose operating system clocks. time.clock_gettime() and related clock identifiers were already added to Python 3.3 for example. time.monotonic(): Fallback to system time ----------------------------------------- If no monotonic clock is available, time.monotonic() falls back to the system time. Issues: * It is hard to define correctly such function in the documentation: is it monotonic? Is it steady? Is it adjusted? * Some user want to decide what to do when no monotonic clock is available: use another clock, display an error, or do something else? Different APIs were proposed to define such function. One function with a flag: time.monotonic(fallback=True) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * time.monotonic(fallback=True) falls back to the system time if no monotonic clock is available or if the monotonic clock failed. * time.monotonic(fallback=False) raises OSError if monotonic clock fails and NotImplementedError if the system does not provide a monotonic clock A keyword argument that gets passed as a constant in the caller is usually poor API. Raising NotImplementedError for a function is something uncommon in Python and should be avoided. One time.monotonic() function, no flag ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ time.monotonic() returns (time: float, is_monotonic: bool). An alternative is to use a function attribute: time.monotonic.is_monotonic. The attribute value would be None before the first call to time.monotonic(). Choosing the clock from a list of constraints --------------------------------------------- The PEP as proposed offers a few new clocks, but their guarentees are deliberately loose in order to offer useful clocks on different platforms. This inherently embeds policy in the calls, and the caller must thus choose a policy. The "choose a clock" approach suggests an additional API to let callers implement their own policy if necessary by making most platform clocks available and letting the caller pick amongst them. The PEP's suggested clocks are still expected to be available for the common simple use cases. To do this two facilities are needed: an enumeration of clocks, and metadata on the clocks to enable the user to evaluate their suitability. The primary interface is a function make simple choices easy: the caller can use ``time.get_clock(*flags)`` with some combination of flags. This include at least: * time.MONOTONIC: clock cannot go backward * time.STEADY: clock rate is steady * time.ADJUSTED: clock may be adjusted, for example by NTP * time.HIGHRES: clock with the highest precision It returns a clock object with a .now() method returning the current time. The clock object is annotated with metadata describing the clock feature set; its .flags field will contain at least all the requested flags. time.get_clock() returns None if no matching clock is found and so calls can be chained using the or operator. Example of a simple policy decision:: T = get_clock(MONOTONIC) or get_clock(STEADY) or get_clock() t = T.now() The available clocks always at least include a wrapper for ``time.time()``, so a final call with no flags can always be used to obtain a working clock. Example of flags of system clocks: * QueryPerformanceCounter: MONOTONIC | HIGHRES * GetTickCount: MONOTONIC | STEADY * CLOCK_MONOTONIC: MONOTONIC | STEADY (or only MONOTONIC on Linux) * CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW: MONOTONIC | STEADY * gettimeofday(): (no flag) The clock objects contain other metadata including the clock flags with additional feature flags above those listed above, the name of the underlying OS facility, and clock precisions. ``time.get_clock()`` still chooses a single clock; an enumeration facility is also required. The most obvious method is to offer ``time.get_clocks()`` with the same signature as ``time.get_clock()``, but returning a sequence of all clocks matching the requested flags. Requesting no flags would thus enumerate all available clocks, allowing the caller to make an arbitrary choice amongst them based on their metadata. Example partial implementation: `clockutils.py <http://hg.python.org/peps/file/tip/pep-0418/clockutils.py>`_. Working around operating system bugs? ------------------------------------- Should Python ensure manually that a monotonic clock is truly monotonic by computing the maximum with the clock value and the previous value? Since it's relatively straightforward to cache the last value returned using a static variable, it might be interesting to use this to make sure that the values returned are indeed monotonic. * Virtual machines provide less reliable clocks. * QueryPerformanceCounter() has known bugs (only one is not fixed yet) Python may only work around a specific known operating system bug: `KB274323`_ contains a code example to workaround the bug (use GetTickCount() to detect QueryPerformanceCounter() leap). Issues of a hacked monotonic function: * if the clock is accidentally set forward by an hour and then back again, you wouldn't have a useful clock for an hour * the cache is not shared between processes so different processes wouldn't see the same clock value

FYI there is no time.thread_time() function. It would only be available on Windows and Linux. It does not use seconds but CPU cycles. No module or program of the Python source code need such function, whereas all other functions added by the PEP already have users in the Python source code, see the Rationale section. For Linux, CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID is already available in Python 3.3. For Windows, you can get GetThreadTimes() using ctypes or win32process.
Is the C clock() function available on all platforms? timemodule.c checks for HAVE_CLOCK, but test_time checks that time.clock() is defined and does not fail since the changeset 4de05cbf5ad1, Dec 06 1996. If clock() is not available on all platforms, time.process_time() documentation should be fixed. Victor

On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 6:18 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com>wrote:
Just FYI: in MACOSx, you can use thread_info() to get that information. Also you can get that information in Solaris,too. In yappi profiler I use all of these approaches together to have an OS independent thread_times() functionality. Here is the relevant code: http://bitbucket.org/sumerc/yappi/src/7c7dc11e8728/timing.c<https://bitbucket.org/sumerc/yappi/src/7c7dc11e8728/timing.c> I also think that you are right about Python really not have any use case for this functionality, ... -- Sümer Cip

2012/4/15 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com>:
"Explicit is better than implicit" ! I listed the limitations of the PEP directly in the PEP: ------------- Limitations: * The behaviour of clocks after a system suspend is not defined in the documentation of new functions. The behaviour depends on the operating system: see the `Monotonic Clocks`_ section below. Some recent operating systems provide two clocks, one including time elapsed during system suspsend, one not including this time. Most operating systems only provide one kind of clock. * time.monotonic() and time.perf_counter() may or may not be adjusted. For example, ``CLOCK_MONOTONIC`` is slewed on Linux, whereas ``GetTickCount()`` is not adjusted on Windows. ``time.get_clock_info('monotonic')['is_adjusted']`` can be used to check if the monotonic clock is adjusted or not. * No time.thread_time() function is proposed by this PEP because it is not needed by Python standard library nor a common asked feature. Such function would only be available on Windows and Linux. On Linux, it is possible use use ``time.clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID)``. On Windows, ctypes or another module can be used to call the ``GetThreadTimes()`` function. ------------- Victor

Victor Stinner wrote:
Looks good. I'd suggest to also include a tool or API to determine the real resolution of a time function (as opposed to the advertised one). See pybench's clockres.py helper as example. You often find large differences between the advertised resolution and the available one, e.g. while process timers often advertise very good resolution, they are in fact often only updated at very coarse rates. E.g. compare the results of clockres.py on Linux: Clock resolution of various timer implementations: time.clock: 10000.000us time.time: 0.954us systimes.processtime: 999.000us and FreeBSD: Clock resolution of various timer implementations: time.clock: 7812.500us time.time: 1.907us systimes.processtime: 1.000us and Mac OS X: Clock resolution of various timer implementations: time.clock: 1.000us time.time: 0.954us systimes.processtime: 1.000us Regarding changing pybench: pybench has to stay backwards incompatible with earlier releases to make it possible to compare timings. You can add support for new timers to pybench, but please leave the existing timers and defaults in place.
-- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Apr 15 2012)
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2012/4/15 M.-A. Lemburg <mal@egenix.com>:
The PEP includes such tool, but I forgot to mention it in the PEP: http://hg.python.org/peps/file/tip/pep-0418/clock_precision.py It is based on clockres.py from pybench. I used this tools to fill the "Precision in Python" column of the different tables. The "Precision" is the precision announced by the OS, whereas the "Precision in Python" is the effictive precision in Python. The full PEP includes results of different benchmarks: performance of hardware clocks and performance of the different OS time functions.
Cool, I found similar numbers :-)
I will include these numbers on Mac OS X to the PEP.
I suppose that you are talking about this change: -# Choose platform default timer -if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': - # On WinXP this has 2.5ms resolution - TIMER_PLATFORM_DEFAULT = TIMER_TIME_CLOCK -else: - # On Linux this has 1ms resolution - TIMER_PLATFORM_DEFAULT = TIMER_TIME_TIME +TIMER_PLATFORM_DEFAULT = TIMER_TIME_PERF_COUNTER from http://bugs.python.org/file25202/perf_counter_process_time.patch It does not change the OS clock on Windows, only on Unix: CLOCK_REALTIME (gettimeofday() for Python 3.2 and earlier) is replaced with CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This change should only give a different result if the system time is changed during the benchmark. I'm ok to keep the default timer if you consider the change as incompatible. Victor

It's maybe time for bikeshedding! Glyph wrote me in private: "IMHO, perf_counter should be performance_counter() or high_precision(); the abbreviation is silly :)" The time module has other abbreviated names. I don't have a preference between time.perf_counter() or time.performance_counter(). Solaris provides CLOCK_HIGHRES, "the nonadjustable, high-resolution clock." If we map CLOCK_xxx names to functions name, we have: * CLOCK_MONOTONIC: time.monotonic() * CLOCK_HIGHRES: time.highres() (whereas Windows provides QueryPerformanceCounter -> performance_counter) I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and "precision" are different things. Victor

2012/4/16 Matt Joiner <anacrolix@gmail.com>:
This is becoming the Manhattan Project of bike sheds.
FreeBSD FAQ contains an entry "Why should I care what color the bikeshed is?" which mention a "sleep(1) should take fractional second arguments" saga in 1999. http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/faq/misc.html#BIKESHED-PAINTING Bikeshedding is maybe a common issue with the discussion around time function? :-) Victor

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:38:41PM +0200, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
Bikeshedding is maybe a common issue with the discussion around time function? :-)
Perhaps because everyone of us lives in a different Time-Space Continuum? ;-) Oleg. -- Oleg Broytman http://phdru.name/ phd@phdru.name Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 01:25:42 +0200 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and "precision" are different things.
Don't they? Actually, they don't care about resolution since they receive a Python float. Regards Antoine.

On 16Apr2012 01:25, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote: | I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and | "precision" are different things. If we're using the same definitions we discussed offline, where - resolution is the units the clock call (underneath) works in (for example, nanoseconds) - precision is the effective precision of the results, for example milliseconds I'd say people would care if they knew, and mostly care about "precision". -- Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> DoD#743

On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:48:22 +1000, Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> wrote:
I think what the user cares about is "what is the smallest tick that this clock result will faithfully represent?". If the number of bits returned is larger than the clock accuracy, you want the clock accuracy. If the number of bits returned is smaller than the clock accuracy, you want the number of bits. (Yes, I'm using accuracy in a slightly different sense here...I think we don't have the right words for this.) To use other words, what the users cares about are the error bars on the returned result. --David

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok ok, resolution / accuracy / precision are confusing (or at least not well known concepts).
Maybe not to us, but in fields like astronomy and mechanical engineering there are commonly accepted definitions: Resolution: the smallest difference between two physical values that results in a different measurement by a given instrument. Precision: the amount of deviation among measurements of the same physical value by a single instrument. Accuracy: the amount of deviation of measurements by a given instrument from true values. As usual there are issues of average vs. worst case, different resolution/precision/accuracy over the instrument's range, etc. which need to be considered in reporting values for these properties. A typical application to clocks would be the duration of one tick. If the clock ticks once per second and time values are reported in nanoseconds, the /resolution/ is *1 billion* nanoseconds, not *1* nanosecond. /Precision/ corresponds to the standard deviation of tick durations. It is not necessarily the case that a precise instrument will be accurate; if every tick is *exactly* 59/60 seconds, the clock is infinitely precise but horribly inaccurate for most purposes (it loses an hour every three days, and you'll miss your favorite TV show!) And two /accurate/ clocks should report the same times and the same durations when measuring the same things. I don't really care if Python decides to use idiosyncratic definitions, but the above are easy enough to find (eg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accuracy_and_precision).

I was just talking of the name of the time.perf_counter() function: "perf_counter" vs "high_precision" vs "high_resolution" (or even "highres") names. For the defintion of these words, see the Glossary in the PEP. http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0418/#glossary It already contains a link to the Wikipedia article "Accuracy_and_precision". I don't want to spend days on this glossary. If anyone is motivated to write a perfect (or at least better) glossary, please do it! And send me the diff of the pep-0418.txt file. I don't really feel qualified (nor motivated) to write/maintain such glossary. Victor

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
If anyone is motivated to write a perfect (or at least better) glossary, please do it!
We don't want a perfect glossary, we want one we agree on, that defines terms consistently with the way they're used in the PEP. However, what I read in this thread is that the PEP protagonist doesn't feel qualified or motivated to maintain the glossary, and others posting that surely we agree on what we're talking about even though the definitions in the PEP are controversial and at least one (resolution) is close to meaningless in actual use. It bothers me that we are writing code without having agreement about the terms that define what it's trying to accomplish. Especially when an important subset of users who I think are likely to care (viz, the scientific and engineering community) seems likely to use different definitions. Has anybody asked people on the scipy channels what they think about all this?
It already contains a link to the Wikipedia article "Accuracy_and_precision".
Well, its definitions differ of precision and resolution differ from the PEP's. I'm disturbed that the PEP does not remark about this despite citing it.

Well, I asked on IRC what I should do for these definitions because I'm too tired to decide what to do. Ezio Melotti (Taggnostr) and R. David Murray (bitdancer) prefer your definition over the current definitions of accuracy, precision and resolution in the PEP. So I replaced these definitions with yours. Victor

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, I asked on IRC what I should do for these definitions because I'm too tired to decide what to do. [[...]] I replaced these definitions with yours.
That was nice of you. In return, I'll go over the PEP to check that usage is appropriate (eg, in some places "resolution" was used in the sense of computer science's "precision" == reported digits). Please give me 24 hours. BTW, this not a criticism, you did a great job of putting all that information together. But it's worth checking and that is best done by a second pair of eyes. Thanks for all your work on this! Regards, Steve

On 19Apr2012 10:47, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen@xemacs.org> wrote: | On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Victor Stinner | <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote: | > Well, I asked on IRC what I should do for these definitions because | > I'm too tired to decide what to do. [[...]] I replaced these definitions with yours. | | That was nice of you. In return, I'll go over the PEP to check that | usage is appropriate (eg, in some places "resolution" was used in the | sense of computer science's "precision" == reported digits). Hmm. Let me know when you're done too; my counterproposal example implementation uses .resolution as the name for the metadata specifying the fineness of the OS call API (not the accuracy of the clock). So I would like to adjust my metadata to match and send Vicotr updated code for the snapshot he has in the PEP. Cheers, -- Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> DoD#743 http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/ The Few. The Proud. The Politically Incorrect. - Steve Masticola

As you asked me in private, I replaced "Precision" with "Resolution" almost everywhere in the PEP. I removed the "precision" key of time.get_clock_info(): use the "resolution" key instead. No OS provides any information on the precision, accuracy, drift or anything else of a specific clock. Only the resolution of a clock is known. Victor

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 15:50:13 -0400, Terry Reedy <tjreedy@udel.edu> wrote:
My problem was that I was confusing this definition of precision with the "precision" of the computer representation of the number (that is, the number of digits in the returned result). --David

On 17Apr2012 08:35, R. David Murray <rdmurray@bitdance.com> wrote: | On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:48:22 +1000, Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> wrote: | > On 16Apr2012 01:25, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote: | > | I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and | > | "precision" are different things. | > | > If we're using the same definitions we discussed offline, where | > | > - resolution is the units the clock call (underneath) works in (for | > example, nanoseconds) | > | > - precision is the effective precision of the results, for example | > milliseconds | > | > I'd say people would care if they knew, and mostly care about | > "precision". | | I think what the user cares about is "what is the smallest tick that | this clock result will faithfully represent?". That is what "precision" is supposed to mean above. I suspect we're all in agreement here about its purpose. | To use other words, what the users cares about are the error bars on | the returned result. Yes. And your discussion about the hw clock exceeding the API resulution means we mean "the error bars as they escape from the OS API". I still think we're all in agreement about the meaning here. -- Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> DoD#743 http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/ Often the good of the many is worth more than the good of the few. Saying "if they have saved one life then they are worthwhile" places the good of the few above the good of the many and past a certain threshold that's a reprehensible attitude, for which I have utter contempt.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> wrote:
Meaning that resolution is a matter of format and API, not of clock. If you take a C clock API that returns a value in nanoseconds and return it as a Python float, you've changed the resolution. I don't think resolution matters much, beyond that (for example) nanosecond resolution allows a clock to be subsequently upgraded as far as nanosecond precision without breaking existing code, even if currently it's only providing microsecond precision. But it makes just as much sense for your resolution to be 2**64ths-of-a-second or quarters-of-the-internal-CPU-clock-speed as it does for nanoseconds. As long as it's some fraction of the SI second, every different resolution is just a fixed ratio away from every other one. ChrisA

On 18Apr2012 00:18, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote: | On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> wrote: | > On 16Apr2012 01:25, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote: | > | I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and | > | "precision" are different things. | > | > If we're using the same definitions we discussed offline, where | > | > - resolution is the units the clock call (underneath) works in (for | > example, nanoseconds) | > | > - precision is the effective precision of the results, for example | > milliseconds | > | > I'd say people would care if they knew, and mostly care about | > "precision". | | Meaning that resolution is a matter of format and API, not of clock. | If you take a C clock API that returns a value in nanoseconds and | return it as a Python float, you've changed the resolution. I don't | think resolution matters much, beyond that (for example) nanosecond | resolution allows a clock to be subsequently upgraded as far as | nanosecond precision without breaking existing code, even if currently | it's only providing microsecond precision. Yes; as stated, resolution is largely irrelevant to the user; it really only places an upper bound on the precision. But it _is_ easy to know from the unlying API doco, so it is easy to annotate the clocks with its metadata. Annoyingly, the more useful precision value is often harder to know. -- Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> DoD#743 http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/ If anyone disagrees with anything I say, I am quite prepared not only to retract it, but also to deny under oath that I ever said it. - Tom Lehrer

I wrote an implementation in pure Python using ctypes for Python < 3.3: https://bitbucket.org/haypo/misc/src/tip/python/pep418.py I tested it on Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Windows. It's more a proof-of-concept to test the PEP than a library written to be reused by programs. Victor

The PEP is now fully ready: I just finished the implementation. It looks like people, who complained on older versions of the PEP, don't have new complain. Am I wrong? Everybody agree with the PEP 418? I created http://hg.python.org/features/pep418/ repository for the implementation. I tested it on Linux 3.3, FreeBSD 8.2, OpenBSD 5.0 and Windows Seven. The implementation is now waiting your review! There is also the toy implementation in pure Python for Python < 3.3: https://bitbucket.org/haypo/misc/src/tip/python/pep418.py Antoine asked "Is there a designated dictator for this PEP?". Nobody answered. Maybe Guido van Rossum? Victor

Hi Victor, I read most of the PEP and I think it is ready for acceptance! Thanks for your patience in shepherding this through such a difficult and long discussion. Also thanks to the many other contributors, especially those who ended up as co-authors. We will have an awesome new set of time APIs! Now let the implementation roll... --Guido On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 4:30 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
-- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

Some issues with the PEP 418: 1) time.clock is deprecated, but also supported by get_clock_info. Why bother supporting it if you don't want people to use it? 2) get_clock_info returns a dict. Why not a namedtuple? 3) The dict returned by get_clock_info includes an optional key, "is_adjusted". Why is it optional? 4) The section on mach_absolute_time states: According to the documentation (Technical Q&A QA1398), mach_timebase_info() is always equal to one and never fails, even if the function may fail according to its prototype. I've read the linked technical note and I can't see anything about it always being equal to one. I don't think your description is accurate. 5) In the glossary, you mark some terms in angle brackets <> but there is no definition for them: <nanosecond> <strictly monotonic> <clock monotonic> (which I think should be <monotonic clock> instead) 6) A stylistic suggestion: the glossary entries for Accuracy and Precision should each say "Contrast <the other>" and link to the Wikipedia article. 7) There is a mismatch in tenses between "Adjusted" and "Resetting" in the glossary. Suggest something like this instead: Adjusted: Reset to the correct time. This may be done either with a <Step> or by <Slewing>. 8) The glossary defines steady as high stability and "relatively high accuracy and precision". But surely that is not correct -- a clock that ticks every once per second (low precision) is still steady. 9) The perf_counter pseudocode seems a bit unusual (unPythonic?) to me. Rather than checking flags at call-time, could you not use different function definitions at compile time? 10) The "Alternatives" section should list arguments made for and against the alternative APIs, not just list them. Thanks for your excellent work Victor! -- Steven

1) time.clock is deprecated, but also supported by get_clock_info. Why bother supporting it if you don't want people to use it?
It will not be removed before Python 4, the function is still used by Python < 3.3.
2) get_clock_info returns a dict. Why not a namedtuple?
I don't like the tuple API. I prefer a dict over a (named)tuple because there is an optional key, and we migh add other optional keys later.
3) The dict returned by get_clock_info includes an optional key, "is_adjusted". Why is it optional?
The value is not know for some platforms for some clock. I don't know if process/thread time can be set for example. Sometimes the value is hardcoded, sometimes the flag comes from the OS (ex: on Windows).
I don't remember where it does come from. I removed the sentence.
It's just a pseudo-code. I prefer to avoid duplication of code. The pseudo-code is based on the C implemenation which use #ifdef; Victor

On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
I see the deprecation of clock() as mostly symbolic -- it's used way too much to do anything about it (as the PEP acknowledges). So I think it's reasonable we should return info about it.
2) get_clock_info returns a dict. Why not a namedtuple?
Future flexibility. And there's no need for it to be a *tuple*.
3) The dict returned by get_clock_info includes an optional key, "is_adjusted". Why is it optional?
I wondered that myself, but I suspect it means "we don't know".
Ok, you & Victor will have to figure that one out.
Surely those are all very minor quibbles. I have one myself: at some point it says: On Linux, it is possible to use time.clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID). But the PEP doesn't define a function by that name. Is it an editing glitch? (Some of the pseudo code also uses this.) -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

It is this function: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/time.html#time.clock_gettime It's just a binding of the C function clock_gettime(). Should the PEP describe all functions used by the PEP? Victor

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
Oh, now I'm confused. Se in 3.3 we're adding a bunch of other new functions to the time module that aren't described by the PEP? Aren't those functions redundant? Or did I miss some part of the conversation where this was discussed? What's *their* history? -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 07:02:13 -0700 Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
time.clock_gettime() (and the related constants CLOCK_{REALTIME,MONOTONIC, etc.}) is a thin wrapper around the corresponding POSIX function, it's there for people who want low-level control over their choice of APIs: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/clock_gettime.html As a thin wrapper, adding it to the time module was pretty much uncontroversial, I think. The PEP proposes cross-platform functions with consistent semantics, which is where a discussion was needed. Regards Antoine.

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 7:51 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
True, but does this mean clock_gettime and friends only exist on POSIX? Shouldn't they be in the os or posix module then? I guess I'm fine with either place but I don't know if enough thought was put into the decision. Up until now the time module had only cross-platform functions (even if clock()'s semantics vary widely). -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

The os module is big enough. Low level networks functions are not in the os module, but in the socket module. Not all functions of the time module are always available. For example, time.tzset() is not available on all platforms. Another example, the new time.monotonic() is not available on all platforms ;-) Oh, I forgot to mention that time.clock_*() functions are not always available in the doc. Victor

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
There are subtle other reasons for that (such as that on Windows, socket file descriptors and os file descriptors are different things). But I'm fine with leaving these in the time module.
Yeah, I think the docs can use some work Maybe from someone interested in contributing to docs specifically? I don't want to make Victor responsible for everything. But the new docs for the time module are a but confusing due to the explosion of new functions and constants. E.g. several descriptions use 'clk_id' without explaining it. Maybe a separate subsection can be created for low-level and/or platform-specific items, leaving the main time module to explain the traditional functions and the new portable functions from PEP 418? -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On 4/27/2012 11:40 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
I haven't been paying attention to this discussion, so this isn't a comment on any time functions specifically. But we generally use a namedtuple (or structseq) for things like get_clock_info. For example, for sys.float_info there's no need for it to be a tuple, and it can be extended in the future, yet it's a structseq. Same for sys.flags, although it's its own type, not a structseq. It is also indexable, and we've added fields to it (hash_randomization was added in 2.7.3). So I think a structseq would work for get_clock_info as well. It's unfortunate we don't have a similar type which isn't a tuple, but the types we do have work well enough in practice. Eric.

On 4/29/2012 4:41 AM, Larry Hastings wrote:
I agree with you, but there's already plenty of precedent for this. A quick check shows sys.flags, sys.float_info, and os.stat(); I'm sure there's more. Iteration for these isn't very useful, but structseq is the handiest type we have:
For python code I use namedtuple (or my own recordtype), which are iterable but almost no one iterates over them. Eric.

On 04/29/2012 02:01 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
The times, they are a-changin'. I've been meaning to start whacking the things which are iterable which really shouldn't be. Like, who uses destructuring assignment with the os.stat result anymore? Puh-leez, that's so 1996. That really oughta be deprecated. Anyway, it'd be swell if we could stop adding new ones. Maybe we need a clone of structseq that removes iterability? (I was thinking, we could hack structseq so it didn't behave iterably if n_in_sequence was 0. But, no, it inherits from tuple, such shenanigans are a bad idea.) //arry/ p.s. MvL gets credit for the original observation, and the suggestion of deprecating iterability. As usual I'm standing on somebody else's shoulders.

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 5:29 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
It's an anti-pattern. You basically have to look up or copy/paste the order of the fields to get it right. And there are many fields in the stats structure that can't be added to the sequence because of the requirement not to break backwards compatibility with code that expects a fixed number of fields (in 1996 we also didn't have * unpacking :-). So you're getting a legacy-determined subset of the values anyway. Ditto for times; while the first 6 fields are easy (y/m/d h/m/s) the three after that are just fluff (weekday and some tz related things that I can never remember) and again there is important stuff missing like finer precision and useful tz info. -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 02:12:41 -0700 Larry Hastings <larry@hastings.org> wrote:
Some types can benefit from being hashable and having a minimal footprint (hence tuple-like). However it's not the case for get_clock_info(), since you're unlikely to have more than one instance alive in a given invokation. Regards Antoine.

3) The dict returned by get_clock_info includes an optional key, "is_adjusted". Why is it optional?
More complete answer. Rules used to fill the is_adjusted flag: - System clock: is_adjusted=1 because the clock can be set manually by the system administrator, except on Windows: is_adjusted is 0 if GetSystemTimeAdjustment() returns isTimeAdjustmentDisabled=1 - Process time: is_adjusted=0 because I don't know an OS where the process time can be modified - Monotonic clocks: is_adjusted=0 on Windows, Mac OS X and Solaris, is_adjusted=1 on Linux, it is not set otherwise. We may also set is_adjusted to 0 on other OSes and so the key would not be optional anymore. Said differently, is_adjusted is only 1 for system clocks and for the monotonic clock on Linux. Victor

Hi Guido, 2012/4/28 Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org>:
You're welcome, but many developers helped me!
The PEP is not accepted yet at: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0418/ Did you forget to update its status, or are you waiting for something? Anyway I commited the implementation of the PEP 418 (after the last change on the API of time.get_clock_info()). Let's see how buildbots feel with monotonic time. Victor

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried to imply that in the next sentence. :-) Still, without your push it would not have happened.
To get to a machine with a checkout. Done.
Awesome! -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

FYI there is no time.thread_time() function. It would only be available on Windows and Linux. It does not use seconds but CPU cycles. No module or program of the Python source code need such function, whereas all other functions added by the PEP already have users in the Python source code, see the Rationale section. For Linux, CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID is already available in Python 3.3. For Windows, you can get GetThreadTimes() using ctypes or win32process.
Is the C clock() function available on all platforms? timemodule.c checks for HAVE_CLOCK, but test_time checks that time.clock() is defined and does not fail since the changeset 4de05cbf5ad1, Dec 06 1996. If clock() is not available on all platforms, time.process_time() documentation should be fixed. Victor

On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 6:18 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com>wrote:
Just FYI: in MACOSx, you can use thread_info() to get that information. Also you can get that information in Solaris,too. In yappi profiler I use all of these approaches together to have an OS independent thread_times() functionality. Here is the relevant code: http://bitbucket.org/sumerc/yappi/src/7c7dc11e8728/timing.c<https://bitbucket.org/sumerc/yappi/src/7c7dc11e8728/timing.c> I also think that you are right about Python really not have any use case for this functionality, ... -- Sümer Cip

2012/4/15 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com>:
"Explicit is better than implicit" ! I listed the limitations of the PEP directly in the PEP: ------------- Limitations: * The behaviour of clocks after a system suspend is not defined in the documentation of new functions. The behaviour depends on the operating system: see the `Monotonic Clocks`_ section below. Some recent operating systems provide two clocks, one including time elapsed during system suspsend, one not including this time. Most operating systems only provide one kind of clock. * time.monotonic() and time.perf_counter() may or may not be adjusted. For example, ``CLOCK_MONOTONIC`` is slewed on Linux, whereas ``GetTickCount()`` is not adjusted on Windows. ``time.get_clock_info('monotonic')['is_adjusted']`` can be used to check if the monotonic clock is adjusted or not. * No time.thread_time() function is proposed by this PEP because it is not needed by Python standard library nor a common asked feature. Such function would only be available on Windows and Linux. On Linux, it is possible use use ``time.clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID)``. On Windows, ctypes or another module can be used to call the ``GetThreadTimes()`` function. ------------- Victor

Victor Stinner wrote:
Looks good. I'd suggest to also include a tool or API to determine the real resolution of a time function (as opposed to the advertised one). See pybench's clockres.py helper as example. You often find large differences between the advertised resolution and the available one, e.g. while process timers often advertise very good resolution, they are in fact often only updated at very coarse rates. E.g. compare the results of clockres.py on Linux: Clock resolution of various timer implementations: time.clock: 10000.000us time.time: 0.954us systimes.processtime: 999.000us and FreeBSD: Clock resolution of various timer implementations: time.clock: 7812.500us time.time: 1.907us systimes.processtime: 1.000us and Mac OS X: Clock resolution of various timer implementations: time.clock: 1.000us time.time: 0.954us systimes.processtime: 1.000us Regarding changing pybench: pybench has to stay backwards incompatible with earlier releases to make it possible to compare timings. You can add support for new timers to pybench, but please leave the existing timers and defaults in place.
-- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Apr 15 2012)
2012-04-28: PythonCamp 2012, Cologne, Germany 13 days to go ::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! :::: eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48 D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611 http://www.egenix.com/company/contact/

2012/4/15 M.-A. Lemburg <mal@egenix.com>:
The PEP includes such tool, but I forgot to mention it in the PEP: http://hg.python.org/peps/file/tip/pep-0418/clock_precision.py It is based on clockres.py from pybench. I used this tools to fill the "Precision in Python" column of the different tables. The "Precision" is the precision announced by the OS, whereas the "Precision in Python" is the effictive precision in Python. The full PEP includes results of different benchmarks: performance of hardware clocks and performance of the different OS time functions.
Cool, I found similar numbers :-)
I will include these numbers on Mac OS X to the PEP.
I suppose that you are talking about this change: -# Choose platform default timer -if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': - # On WinXP this has 2.5ms resolution - TIMER_PLATFORM_DEFAULT = TIMER_TIME_CLOCK -else: - # On Linux this has 1ms resolution - TIMER_PLATFORM_DEFAULT = TIMER_TIME_TIME +TIMER_PLATFORM_DEFAULT = TIMER_TIME_PERF_COUNTER from http://bugs.python.org/file25202/perf_counter_process_time.patch It does not change the OS clock on Windows, only on Unix: CLOCK_REALTIME (gettimeofday() for Python 3.2 and earlier) is replaced with CLOCK_MONOTONIC. This change should only give a different result if the system time is changed during the benchmark. I'm ok to keep the default timer if you consider the change as incompatible. Victor

It's maybe time for bikeshedding! Glyph wrote me in private: "IMHO, perf_counter should be performance_counter() or high_precision(); the abbreviation is silly :)" The time module has other abbreviated names. I don't have a preference between time.perf_counter() or time.performance_counter(). Solaris provides CLOCK_HIGHRES, "the nonadjustable, high-resolution clock." If we map CLOCK_xxx names to functions name, we have: * CLOCK_MONOTONIC: time.monotonic() * CLOCK_HIGHRES: time.highres() (whereas Windows provides QueryPerformanceCounter -> performance_counter) I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and "precision" are different things. Victor

2012/4/16 Matt Joiner <anacrolix@gmail.com>:
This is becoming the Manhattan Project of bike sheds.
FreeBSD FAQ contains an entry "Why should I care what color the bikeshed is?" which mention a "sleep(1) should take fractional second arguments" saga in 1999. http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/faq/misc.html#BIKESHED-PAINTING Bikeshedding is maybe a common issue with the discussion around time function? :-) Victor

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:38:41PM +0200, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
Bikeshedding is maybe a common issue with the discussion around time function? :-)
Perhaps because everyone of us lives in a different Time-Space Continuum? ;-) Oleg. -- Oleg Broytman http://phdru.name/ phd@phdru.name Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 01:25:42 +0200 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and "precision" are different things.
Don't they? Actually, they don't care about resolution since they receive a Python float. Regards Antoine.

On 16Apr2012 01:25, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote: | I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and | "precision" are different things. If we're using the same definitions we discussed offline, where - resolution is the units the clock call (underneath) works in (for example, nanoseconds) - precision is the effective precision of the results, for example milliseconds I'd say people would care if they knew, and mostly care about "precision". -- Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> DoD#743

On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:48:22 +1000, Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> wrote:
I think what the user cares about is "what is the smallest tick that this clock result will faithfully represent?". If the number of bits returned is larger than the clock accuracy, you want the clock accuracy. If the number of bits returned is smaller than the clock accuracy, you want the number of bits. (Yes, I'm using accuracy in a slightly different sense here...I think we don't have the right words for this.) To use other words, what the users cares about are the error bars on the returned result. --David

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok ok, resolution / accuracy / precision are confusing (or at least not well known concepts).
Maybe not to us, but in fields like astronomy and mechanical engineering there are commonly accepted definitions: Resolution: the smallest difference between two physical values that results in a different measurement by a given instrument. Precision: the amount of deviation among measurements of the same physical value by a single instrument. Accuracy: the amount of deviation of measurements by a given instrument from true values. As usual there are issues of average vs. worst case, different resolution/precision/accuracy over the instrument's range, etc. which need to be considered in reporting values for these properties. A typical application to clocks would be the duration of one tick. If the clock ticks once per second and time values are reported in nanoseconds, the /resolution/ is *1 billion* nanoseconds, not *1* nanosecond. /Precision/ corresponds to the standard deviation of tick durations. It is not necessarily the case that a precise instrument will be accurate; if every tick is *exactly* 59/60 seconds, the clock is infinitely precise but horribly inaccurate for most purposes (it loses an hour every three days, and you'll miss your favorite TV show!) And two /accurate/ clocks should report the same times and the same durations when measuring the same things. I don't really care if Python decides to use idiosyncratic definitions, but the above are easy enough to find (eg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accuracy_and_precision).

I was just talking of the name of the time.perf_counter() function: "perf_counter" vs "high_precision" vs "high_resolution" (or even "highres") names. For the defintion of these words, see the Glossary in the PEP. http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0418/#glossary It already contains a link to the Wikipedia article "Accuracy_and_precision". I don't want to spend days on this glossary. If anyone is motivated to write a perfect (or at least better) glossary, please do it! And send me the diff of the pep-0418.txt file. I don't really feel qualified (nor motivated) to write/maintain such glossary. Victor

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
If anyone is motivated to write a perfect (or at least better) glossary, please do it!
We don't want a perfect glossary, we want one we agree on, that defines terms consistently with the way they're used in the PEP. However, what I read in this thread is that the PEP protagonist doesn't feel qualified or motivated to maintain the glossary, and others posting that surely we agree on what we're talking about even though the definitions in the PEP are controversial and at least one (resolution) is close to meaningless in actual use. It bothers me that we are writing code without having agreement about the terms that define what it's trying to accomplish. Especially when an important subset of users who I think are likely to care (viz, the scientific and engineering community) seems likely to use different definitions. Has anybody asked people on the scipy channels what they think about all this?
It already contains a link to the Wikipedia article "Accuracy_and_precision".
Well, its definitions differ of precision and resolution differ from the PEP's. I'm disturbed that the PEP does not remark about this despite citing it.

Well, I asked on IRC what I should do for these definitions because I'm too tired to decide what to do. Ezio Melotti (Taggnostr) and R. David Murray (bitdancer) prefer your definition over the current definitions of accuracy, precision and resolution in the PEP. So I replaced these definitions with yours. Victor

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
Well, I asked on IRC what I should do for these definitions because I'm too tired to decide what to do. [[...]] I replaced these definitions with yours.
That was nice of you. In return, I'll go over the PEP to check that usage is appropriate (eg, in some places "resolution" was used in the sense of computer science's "precision" == reported digits). Please give me 24 hours. BTW, this not a criticism, you did a great job of putting all that information together. But it's worth checking and that is best done by a second pair of eyes. Thanks for all your work on this! Regards, Steve

Oh, this is very likely :-)
What? The subject of the initial mail contains [RFC]: I posted to PEP to get as many reviews as possible! I know that it is not a criticism :-) Victor

On 19Apr2012 10:47, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen@xemacs.org> wrote: | On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:15 AM, Victor Stinner | <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote: | > Well, I asked on IRC what I should do for these definitions because | > I'm too tired to decide what to do. [[...]] I replaced these definitions with yours. | | That was nice of you. In return, I'll go over the PEP to check that | usage is appropriate (eg, in some places "resolution" was used in the | sense of computer science's "precision" == reported digits). Hmm. Let me know when you're done too; my counterproposal example implementation uses .resolution as the name for the metadata specifying the fineness of the OS call API (not the accuracy of the clock). So I would like to adjust my metadata to match and send Vicotr updated code for the snapshot he has in the PEP. Cheers, -- Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> DoD#743 http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/ The Few. The Proud. The Politically Incorrect. - Steve Masticola

As you asked me in private, I replaced "Precision" with "Resolution" almost everywhere in the PEP. I removed the "precision" key of time.get_clock_info(): use the "resolution" key instead. No OS provides any information on the precision, accuracy, drift or anything else of a specific clock. Only the resolution of a clock is known. Victor

On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 15:50:13 -0400, Terry Reedy <tjreedy@udel.edu> wrote:
My problem was that I was confusing this definition of precision with the "precision" of the computer representation of the number (that is, the number of digits in the returned result). --David

On 17Apr2012 08:35, R. David Murray <rdmurray@bitdance.com> wrote: | On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:48:22 +1000, Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> wrote: | > On 16Apr2012 01:25, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote: | > | I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and | > | "precision" are different things. | > | > If we're using the same definitions we discussed offline, where | > | > - resolution is the units the clock call (underneath) works in (for | > example, nanoseconds) | > | > - precision is the effective precision of the results, for example | > milliseconds | > | > I'd say people would care if they knew, and mostly care about | > "precision". | | I think what the user cares about is "what is the smallest tick that | this clock result will faithfully represent?". That is what "precision" is supposed to mean above. I suspect we're all in agreement here about its purpose. | To use other words, what the users cares about are the error bars on | the returned result. Yes. And your discussion about the hw clock exceeding the API resulution means we mean "the error bars as they escape from the OS API". I still think we're all in agreement about the meaning here. -- Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> DoD#743 http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/ Often the good of the many is worth more than the good of the few. Saying "if they have saved one life then they are worthwhile" places the good of the few above the good of the many and past a certain threshold that's a reprehensible attitude, for which I have utter contempt.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> wrote:
Meaning that resolution is a matter of format and API, not of clock. If you take a C clock API that returns a value in nanoseconds and return it as a Python float, you've changed the resolution. I don't think resolution matters much, beyond that (for example) nanosecond resolution allows a clock to be subsequently upgraded as far as nanosecond precision without breaking existing code, even if currently it's only providing microsecond precision. But it makes just as much sense for your resolution to be 2**64ths-of-a-second or quarters-of-the-internal-CPU-clock-speed as it does for nanoseconds. As long as it's some fraction of the SI second, every different resolution is just a fixed ratio away from every other one. ChrisA

On 18Apr2012 00:18, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote: | On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 2:48 PM, Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> wrote: | > On 16Apr2012 01:25, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote: | > | I suppose that most people don't care that "resolution" and | > | "precision" are different things. | > | > If we're using the same definitions we discussed offline, where | > | > - resolution is the units the clock call (underneath) works in (for | > example, nanoseconds) | > | > - precision is the effective precision of the results, for example | > milliseconds | > | > I'd say people would care if they knew, and mostly care about | > "precision". | | Meaning that resolution is a matter of format and API, not of clock. | If you take a C clock API that returns a value in nanoseconds and | return it as a Python float, you've changed the resolution. I don't | think resolution matters much, beyond that (for example) nanosecond | resolution allows a clock to be subsequently upgraded as far as | nanosecond precision without breaking existing code, even if currently | it's only providing microsecond precision. Yes; as stated, resolution is largely irrelevant to the user; it really only places an upper bound on the precision. But it _is_ easy to know from the unlying API doco, so it is easy to annotate the clocks with its metadata. Annoyingly, the more useful precision value is often harder to know. -- Cameron Simpson <cs@zip.com.au> DoD#743 http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/ If anyone disagrees with anything I say, I am quite prepared not only to retract it, but also to deny under oath that I ever said it. - Tom Lehrer

I wrote an implementation in pure Python using ctypes for Python < 3.3: https://bitbucket.org/haypo/misc/src/tip/python/pep418.py I tested it on Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Windows. It's more a proof-of-concept to test the PEP than a library written to be reused by programs. Victor

The PEP is now fully ready: I just finished the implementation. It looks like people, who complained on older versions of the PEP, don't have new complain. Am I wrong? Everybody agree with the PEP 418? I created http://hg.python.org/features/pep418/ repository for the implementation. I tested it on Linux 3.3, FreeBSD 8.2, OpenBSD 5.0 and Windows Seven. The implementation is now waiting your review! There is also the toy implementation in pure Python for Python < 3.3: https://bitbucket.org/haypo/misc/src/tip/python/pep418.py Antoine asked "Is there a designated dictator for this PEP?". Nobody answered. Maybe Guido van Rossum? Victor

Hi Victor, I read most of the PEP and I think it is ready for acceptance! Thanks for your patience in shepherding this through such a difficult and long discussion. Also thanks to the many other contributors, especially those who ended up as co-authors. We will have an awesome new set of time APIs! Now let the implementation roll... --Guido On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 4:30 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
-- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

Some issues with the PEP 418: 1) time.clock is deprecated, but also supported by get_clock_info. Why bother supporting it if you don't want people to use it? 2) get_clock_info returns a dict. Why not a namedtuple? 3) The dict returned by get_clock_info includes an optional key, "is_adjusted". Why is it optional? 4) The section on mach_absolute_time states: According to the documentation (Technical Q&A QA1398), mach_timebase_info() is always equal to one and never fails, even if the function may fail according to its prototype. I've read the linked technical note and I can't see anything about it always being equal to one. I don't think your description is accurate. 5) In the glossary, you mark some terms in angle brackets <> but there is no definition for them: <nanosecond> <strictly monotonic> <clock monotonic> (which I think should be <monotonic clock> instead) 6) A stylistic suggestion: the glossary entries for Accuracy and Precision should each say "Contrast <the other>" and link to the Wikipedia article. 7) There is a mismatch in tenses between "Adjusted" and "Resetting" in the glossary. Suggest something like this instead: Adjusted: Reset to the correct time. This may be done either with a <Step> or by <Slewing>. 8) The glossary defines steady as high stability and "relatively high accuracy and precision". But surely that is not correct -- a clock that ticks every once per second (low precision) is still steady. 9) The perf_counter pseudocode seems a bit unusual (unPythonic?) to me. Rather than checking flags at call-time, could you not use different function definitions at compile time? 10) The "Alternatives" section should list arguments made for and against the alternative APIs, not just list them. Thanks for your excellent work Victor! -- Steven

1) time.clock is deprecated, but also supported by get_clock_info. Why bother supporting it if you don't want people to use it?
It will not be removed before Python 4, the function is still used by Python < 3.3.
2) get_clock_info returns a dict. Why not a namedtuple?
I don't like the tuple API. I prefer a dict over a (named)tuple because there is an optional key, and we migh add other optional keys later.
3) The dict returned by get_clock_info includes an optional key, "is_adjusted". Why is it optional?
The value is not know for some platforms for some clock. I don't know if process/thread time can be set for example. Sometimes the value is hardcoded, sometimes the flag comes from the OS (ex: on Windows).
I don't remember where it does come from. I removed the sentence.
It's just a pseudo-code. I prefer to avoid duplication of code. The pseudo-code is based on the C implemenation which use #ifdef; Victor

On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
I see the deprecation of clock() as mostly symbolic -- it's used way too much to do anything about it (as the PEP acknowledges). So I think it's reasonable we should return info about it.
2) get_clock_info returns a dict. Why not a namedtuple?
Future flexibility. And there's no need for it to be a *tuple*.
3) The dict returned by get_clock_info includes an optional key, "is_adjusted". Why is it optional?
I wondered that myself, but I suspect it means "we don't know".
Ok, you & Victor will have to figure that one out.
Surely those are all very minor quibbles. I have one myself: at some point it says: On Linux, it is possible to use time.clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID). But the PEP doesn't define a function by that name. Is it an editing glitch? (Some of the pseudo code also uses this.) -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

It is this function: http://docs.python.org/dev/library/time.html#time.clock_gettime It's just a binding of the C function clock_gettime(). Should the PEP describe all functions used by the PEP? Victor

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
Oh, now I'm confused. Se in 3.3 we're adding a bunch of other new functions to the time module that aren't described by the PEP? Aren't those functions redundant? Or did I miss some part of the conversation where this was discussed? What's *their* history? -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 07:02:13 -0700 Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
time.clock_gettime() (and the related constants CLOCK_{REALTIME,MONOTONIC, etc.}) is a thin wrapper around the corresponding POSIX function, it's there for people who want low-level control over their choice of APIs: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/clock_gettime.html As a thin wrapper, adding it to the time module was pretty much uncontroversial, I think. The PEP proposes cross-platform functions with consistent semantics, which is where a discussion was needed. Regards Antoine.

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 7:51 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
True, but does this mean clock_gettime and friends only exist on POSIX? Shouldn't they be in the os or posix module then? I guess I'm fine with either place but I don't know if enough thought was put into the decision. Up until now the time module had only cross-platform functions (even if clock()'s semantics vary widely). -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

The os module is big enough. Low level networks functions are not in the os module, but in the socket module. Not all functions of the time module are always available. For example, time.tzset() is not available on all platforms. Another example, the new time.monotonic() is not available on all platforms ;-) Oh, I forgot to mention that time.clock_*() functions are not always available in the doc. Victor

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 1:32 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
There are subtle other reasons for that (such as that on Windows, socket file descriptors and os file descriptors are different things). But I'm fine with leaving these in the time module.
Yeah, I think the docs can use some work Maybe from someone interested in contributing to docs specifically? I don't want to make Victor responsible for everything. But the new docs for the time module are a but confusing due to the explosion of new functions and constants. E.g. several descriptions use 'clk_id' without explaining it. Maybe a separate subsection can be created for low-level and/or platform-specific items, leaving the main time module to explain the traditional functions and the new portable functions from PEP 418? -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On 4/27/2012 11:40 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
I haven't been paying attention to this discussion, so this isn't a comment on any time functions specifically. But we generally use a namedtuple (or structseq) for things like get_clock_info. For example, for sys.float_info there's no need for it to be a tuple, and it can be extended in the future, yet it's a structseq. Same for sys.flags, although it's its own type, not a structseq. It is also indexable, and we've added fields to it (hash_randomization was added in 2.7.3). So I think a structseq would work for get_clock_info as well. It's unfortunate we don't have a similar type which isn't a tuple, but the types we do have work well enough in practice. Eric.

On 4/29/2012 4:41 AM, Larry Hastings wrote:
I agree with you, but there's already plenty of precedent for this. A quick check shows sys.flags, sys.float_info, and os.stat(); I'm sure there's more. Iteration for these isn't very useful, but structseq is the handiest type we have:
For python code I use namedtuple (or my own recordtype), which are iterable but almost no one iterates over them. Eric.

On 04/29/2012 02:01 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
The times, they are a-changin'. I've been meaning to start whacking the things which are iterable which really shouldn't be. Like, who uses destructuring assignment with the os.stat result anymore? Puh-leez, that's so 1996. That really oughta be deprecated. Anyway, it'd be swell if we could stop adding new ones. Maybe we need a clone of structseq that removes iterability? (I was thinking, we could hack structseq so it didn't behave iterably if n_in_sequence was 0. But, no, it inherits from tuple, such shenanigans are a bad idea.) //arry/ p.s. MvL gets credit for the original observation, and the suggestion of deprecating iterability. As usual I'm standing on somebody else's shoulders.

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 5:29 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
It's an anti-pattern. You basically have to look up or copy/paste the order of the fields to get it right. And there are many fields in the stats structure that can't be added to the sequence because of the requirement not to break backwards compatibility with code that expects a fixed number of fields (in 1996 we also didn't have * unpacking :-). So you're getting a legacy-determined subset of the values anyway. Ditto for times; while the first 6 fields are easy (y/m/d h/m/s) the three after that are just fluff (weekday and some tz related things that I can never remember) and again there is important stuff missing like finer precision and useful tz info. -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On Sun, 29 Apr 2012 02:12:41 -0700 Larry Hastings <larry@hastings.org> wrote:
Some types can benefit from being hashable and having a minimal footprint (hence tuple-like). However it's not the case for get_clock_info(), since you're unlikely to have more than one instance alive in a given invokation. Regards Antoine.

3) The dict returned by get_clock_info includes an optional key, "is_adjusted". Why is it optional?
More complete answer. Rules used to fill the is_adjusted flag: - System clock: is_adjusted=1 because the clock can be set manually by the system administrator, except on Windows: is_adjusted is 0 if GetSystemTimeAdjustment() returns isTimeAdjustmentDisabled=1 - Process time: is_adjusted=0 because I don't know an OS where the process time can be modified - Monotonic clocks: is_adjusted=0 on Windows, Mac OS X and Solaris, is_adjusted=1 on Linux, it is not set otherwise. We may also set is_adjusted to 0 on other OSes and so the key would not be optional anymore. Said differently, is_adjusted is only 1 for system clocks and for the monotonic clock on Linux. Victor

Hi Guido, 2012/4/28 Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org>:
You're welcome, but many developers helped me!
The PEP is not accepted yet at: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0418/ Did you forget to update its status, or are you waiting for something? Anyway I commited the implementation of the PEP 418 (after the last change on the API of time.get_clock_info()). Let's see how buildbots feel with monotonic time. Victor

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried to imply that in the next sentence. :-) Still, without your push it would not have happened.
To get to a machine with a checkout. Done.
Awesome! -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
participants (15)
Antoine Pitrou
Cameron Simpson
Chris Angelico
Eric V. Smith
Guido van Rossum
Larry Hastings
M.-A. Lemburg
Matt Joiner
Oleg Broytman
R. David Murray
Stephen J. Turnbull
Steven D'Aprano
Sümer Cip
Terry Reedy
Victor Stinner