My apologies to the list

I just wanted to apologize for any angst or noise my replies to Marco caused folks. I should have known that correcting Marco on how to address me would have triggered an outsized reply (the real intent of that overall email was to communicate the process of banning someone to the rest of the list so people didn't leave faster than we addressed it; obviously didn't work). It appears my judgement was more impaired than I realized while I have been sick. As such, I have amended my rules for when I *don't* read OSS emails (this excludes SC business): 1. At least one day every weekend (to avoid having my whole week ruined by mean people) 2. Outside of work hours one month out of the year (to prevent burn-out) 3. On vacation (to unplug appropriately) 4. While I am ill (to prevent impaired judgement) I have actually gone as far as to separate my personal email and OSS/ email accounts into separate email providers so that I can enforce this separation cleanly.

On Wed, 25 Aug 2021 12:22:29 -0700 Brett Cannon <> wrote:
For the record, my personal arrangement for years has been to read most open source mailing-lists using GMane, on a NNTP reader separate from my main mail client. This works fine when I don't want to read open source-related e-mails :-) Regards Antoine.

Hi Antoine, I have an alternative to GMane. I'm using a different email address for anything related to Python (and OSS projects in general): python-dev list, bug tracker, buildbots, GitHub notifications, etc. Some days, I don't read this email account at all, but I can still read my personal and profesional emails, without seeing "notifications" on the Python topics that I'm following (and not be tempted to reply!). For me, this level of granularity works pretty well ;-) Victor On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 11:10 AM Antoine Pitrou <> wrote:
-- Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 9:28 PM Brett Cannon <> wrote:
I just wanted to apologize for any angst or noise my replies to Marco caused folks.
Caring enough to write this email shows that you are an awesome human (like many other humans). :D Please don't feel too bad about getting some mud on yourself -- this is just part of the territory of wading into messy situations in an attempt to help. Everyone else can also carry some of the responsibility for their own angst / emotions. We can all choose how we respond to unpleasant things if we pause and think to do so. - Simon

On Wed, 25 Aug 2021 12:22:29 -0700 Brett Cannon <> wrote:
For the record, my personal arrangement for years has been to read most open source mailing-lists using GMane, on a NNTP reader separate from my main mail client. This works fine when I don't want to read open source-related e-mails :-) Regards Antoine.

Hi Antoine, I have an alternative to GMane. I'm using a different email address for anything related to Python (and OSS projects in general): python-dev list, bug tracker, buildbots, GitHub notifications, etc. Some days, I don't read this email account at all, but I can still read my personal and profesional emails, without seeing "notifications" on the Python topics that I'm following (and not be tempted to reply!). For me, this level of granularity works pretty well ;-) Victor On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 11:10 AM Antoine Pitrou <> wrote:
-- Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 9:28 PM Brett Cannon <> wrote:
I just wanted to apologize for any angst or noise my replies to Marco caused folks.
Caring enough to write this email shows that you are an awesome human (like many other humans). :D Please don't feel too bad about getting some mud on yourself -- this is just part of the territory of wading into messy situations in an attempt to help. Everyone else can also carry some of the responsibility for their own angst / emotions. We can all choose how we respond to unpleasant things if we pause and think to do so. - Simon
participants (6)
Antoine Pitrou
Brett Cannon
Simon Cross
Skip Montanaro
Steve Holden
Victor Stinner