Request for PEP number

In accordance with the procedures in PEP 1, I am applying to initiate PEP 2. Proposed title: Procedure for incorporating new modules into the core. Abstract: This PEP will describes review and voting procedures for incorporating candidate modules and extensions into the Python core. Barry, could I get you to create a mailing list for this one? -- <a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a> That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United states who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms... -- Samuel Adams, in "Phila. Independent Gazetteer", August 20, 1789

"ESR" == Eric S Raymond <> writes:
ESR> In accordance with the procedures in PEP 1, I am applying to ESR> initiate PEP 2. ESR> Proposed title: Procedure for incorporating new modules into ESR> the core. ESR> Abstract: This PEP will describes review and voting ESR> procedures for incorporating candidate modules and extensions ESR> into the Python core. Done. ESR> Barry, could I get you to create a mailing ESR> list for this one? We decided not to create separate mailing lists for each PEP. -Barry

Barry A. Warsaw <>:
OK, where should discussion take place? -- <a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a> A ``decay in the social contract'' is detectable; there is a growing feeling, particularly among middle-income taxpayers, that they are not getting back, from society and government, their money's worth for taxes paid. The tendency is for taxpayers to try to take more control of their finances .. -- IRS Strategic Plan, (May 1984)

"ESR" == Eric S Raymond <> writes:
ESR> In accordance with the procedures in PEP 1, I am applying to ESR> initiate PEP 2. ESR> Proposed title: Procedure for incorporating new modules into ESR> the core. ESR> Abstract: This PEP will describes review and voting ESR> procedures for incorporating candidate modules and extensions ESR> into the Python core. Done. ESR> Barry, could I get you to create a mailing ESR> list for this one? We decided not to create separate mailing lists for each PEP. -Barry

Barry A. Warsaw <>:
OK, where should discussion take place? -- <a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a> A ``decay in the social contract'' is detectable; there is a growing feeling, particularly among middle-income taxpayers, that they are not getting back, from society and government, their money's worth for taxes paid. The tendency is for taxpayers to try to take more control of their finances .. -- IRS Strategic Plan, (May 1984)
participants (3)
Eric S. Raymond
Eric S. Raymond