Error: syncmail script missing

I just checked in the documentation for the warnings module. (Check it out!) When I ran "cvs commit" in the Doc directory, it said, amongst other things: sh: /cvsroot/python/CVSROOT/syncmail: No such file or directory I suppose this may be a side effect of the transition to new hardware of the SourceForge CVS archive. (Which, by the way, has dramatically improved the performance of typical CVS operations -- I am no longer afraid to do a cvs diff or cvs log in Emacs, or to do a cvs update just to be sure.) Could some of the Powers That Be (Fred or Barry :-) check into what happened to the syncmail script? --Guido van Rossum (home page:

Guido van Rossum writes:
Could some of the Powers That Be (Fred or Barry :-) check into what happened to the syncmail script?
We've seen this before, but I'm not sure what it was. Barry, do you recall? Had the Python interpreter landed in a different directory? Or perhaps the location of the CVS repository is different, so syncmail isn't where loginfo says. Tomorrow... scp to SF appears broken as well. ;( -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at> PythonLabs at Digital Creations

I just checked in the documentation for the warnings module. (Check it out!)
Everyone should note that this means Guido will be taking his traditional post-release vacation almost immediately <wink -- but he is about to leave!>.
The lack of checkin mail was first noted on a Jython list. Finn wisely replied that he'd just sit back and wait for the CPython people to figure out how to fix it.
Don't worry, I'll do my part by nagging them in your absence <wink>. Bon holiday voyage!

Folks, Python wasn't installed on the new SF CVS machine, which was why syncmail was broken. My thanks to the SF guys for quickly remedying this situation! Please give it a test. -Barry

Guido van Rossum writes:
Could some of the Powers That Be (Fred or Barry :-) check into what happened to the syncmail script?
We've seen this before, but I'm not sure what it was. Barry, do you recall? Had the Python interpreter landed in a different directory? Or perhaps the location of the CVS repository is different, so syncmail isn't where loginfo says. Tomorrow... scp to SF appears broken as well. ;( -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at> PythonLabs at Digital Creations

I just checked in the documentation for the warnings module. (Check it out!)
Everyone should note that this means Guido will be taking his traditional post-release vacation almost immediately <wink -- but he is about to leave!>.
The lack of checkin mail was first noted on a Jython list. Finn wisely replied that he'd just sit back and wait for the CPython people to figure out how to fix it.
Don't worry, I'll do my part by nagging them in your absence <wink>. Bon holiday voyage!

Folks, Python wasn't installed on the new SF CVS machine, which was why syncmail was broken. My thanks to the SF guys for quickly remedying this situation! Please give it a test. -Barry
participants (4)
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
Guido van Rossum
Tim Peters