I got the wish list below. Anyone care to comment on how close we are on fulfilling some or all of this? --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/) ------- Forwarded Message Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 20:26:54 +0700 From: "Claudio Ramón" <rmn70@hotmail.com> To: guido@python.org Hello, I'm a python user (excuse my english, I'm spanish and...). I think it is a very complete language and I use it in solve statistics, phisics, mathematics, chemistry and biology problemns. I'm not an experienced programmer, only a scientific with problems to solve. The motive of this letter is explain to you a needs that I have in the python use and I think in the next versions... * GNU CC for Win32 compatibility (compilation of python interpreter and "Freeze" utility). I think MingWin32 (Mummint Khan) is a good alternative eviting the cygwin dll user. * Add low level programming capabilities for system access and speed of code fragments eviting the C-C++ or Java code use. Python, I think, must be a complete programming language in the "programming for every body" philosofy. * Incorporate WxWindows (wxpython) and/or Gtk+ (now exist a win32 port) GUI in the standard distribution. For example, Wxpython permit an html browser. It is very importan for document presentations. And Wxwindows and Gtk+ are faster than tk. * Incorporate a database system in the standard library distribution. To be possible with relational and documental capabilites and with import facility of DBASE, Paradox, MSAccess files. * Incorporate a XML/HTML/Math-ML editor/browser with graphics capability (to be possible with XML how internal file format). And to be possible with Microsoft Word import export facility. For example, AbiWord project can be an alternative but if lacks programming language. If we can make python the programming language for AbiWord project... Thanks. Ramón Molina. rmn70@hotmail.com ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com ------- End of Forwarded Message

* Incorporate a database system in the standard library distribution. To be possible with relational and documental capabilites and with import facility of DBASE, Paradox, MSAccess files. I know Digital Creations has a dbase module knocking around there somewhere. I hacked on it for them a couple years ago. You might see if JimF can scrounge it up and donate it to the cause. Skip Montanaro | http://www.mojam.com/ skip@mojam.com | http://www.musi-cal.com/ 847-971-7098 | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

Guido van Rossum writes:
I got the wish list below. Anyone care to comment on how close we are on fulfilling some or all of this?
Claudio Ramón <rmn70@hotmail.com> wrote:
And GTK+ looks better, too. ;-) None the less, I don't think GTK+ is as solid or mature as Tk. There are still a lot of oddities, and several warnings/errors get messages printed on stderr/stdout (don't know which) rather than raising exceptions. (This is a failing of GTK+, not PyGTK.) There isn't an equivalent of the Tk text widget, which is a real shame. There are people working on something better, but it's not a trivial project and I don't have any idea how its going.
Doesn't sound like part of a core library really, though I could see combining the Win32 extensions with the core package to produce a single installable. That should at least provide access to MSAccess, and possible the others, via ODBC.
I think this would be great to have. But I wouldn't put the editor/browser in the core. I would stick something like the XML-SIG's package in, though, once that's better polished. -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake@acm.org> Corporation for National Research Initiatives

Guido van Rossum wrote:
I got the wish list below. Anyone care to comment on how close we are on fulfilling some or all of this?
I don't know what this means.
I don't know what this means in practical terms either. I use the C interface for this.
As a Windows user, I don't feel comfortable publishing GUI code based on these tools. Maybe they have progressed and I should look at them again. But I doubt the Python world is going to standardize on a single GUI anyway. Does anyone out there publish Windows Python code with a Windows Python GUI? If so, what GUI toolkit do you use? Jim Ahlstrom

Guido van Rossum wrote:
I think this would be a good alternative for all those not having MS VC for one reason or another. Since Mingw32 is free this might be an appropriate solution for e.g. schools which don't want to spend lots of money for VC licenses.
Don't know what he meant here...
GUIs tend to be fast moving targets, better leave them out of the main distribution.
Database interfaces are usually way to complicated and largish for the standard dist. IMHO, they should always be packaged separately. Note that simple interfaces such as a standard CSV file import/export module would be neat extensions to the dist.
I'm getting the feeling that Ramon is looking for a complete visual programming environment here. XML support in the standard dist (faster than xmllib.py) would be nice. Before that we'd need solid builtin Unicode support though... -- Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Y2000: 53 days left Business: http://www.lemburg.com/ Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/

* Incorporate a database system in the standard library distribution. To be possible with relational and documental capabilites and with import facility of DBASE, Paradox, MSAccess files. I know Digital Creations has a dbase module knocking around there somewhere. I hacked on it for them a couple years ago. You might see if JimF can scrounge it up and donate it to the cause. Skip Montanaro | http://www.mojam.com/ skip@mojam.com | http://www.musi-cal.com/ 847-971-7098 | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

Guido van Rossum writes:
I got the wish list below. Anyone care to comment on how close we are on fulfilling some or all of this?
Claudio Ramón <rmn70@hotmail.com> wrote:
And GTK+ looks better, too. ;-) None the less, I don't think GTK+ is as solid or mature as Tk. There are still a lot of oddities, and several warnings/errors get messages printed on stderr/stdout (don't know which) rather than raising exceptions. (This is a failing of GTK+, not PyGTK.) There isn't an equivalent of the Tk text widget, which is a real shame. There are people working on something better, but it's not a trivial project and I don't have any idea how its going.
Doesn't sound like part of a core library really, though I could see combining the Win32 extensions with the core package to produce a single installable. That should at least provide access to MSAccess, and possible the others, via ODBC.
I think this would be great to have. But I wouldn't put the editor/browser in the core. I would stick something like the XML-SIG's package in, though, once that's better polished. -Fred -- Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake@acm.org> Corporation for National Research Initiatives

Guido van Rossum wrote:
I got the wish list below. Anyone care to comment on how close we are on fulfilling some or all of this?
I don't know what this means.
I don't know what this means in practical terms either. I use the C interface for this.
As a Windows user, I don't feel comfortable publishing GUI code based on these tools. Maybe they have progressed and I should look at them again. But I doubt the Python world is going to standardize on a single GUI anyway. Does anyone out there publish Windows Python code with a Windows Python GUI? If so, what GUI toolkit do you use? Jim Ahlstrom

Guido van Rossum wrote:
I think this would be a good alternative for all those not having MS VC for one reason or another. Since Mingw32 is free this might be an appropriate solution for e.g. schools which don't want to spend lots of money for VC licenses.
Don't know what he meant here...
GUIs tend to be fast moving targets, better leave them out of the main distribution.
Database interfaces are usually way to complicated and largish for the standard dist. IMHO, they should always be packaged separately. Note that simple interfaces such as a standard CSV file import/export module would be neat extensions to the dist.
I'm getting the feeling that Ramon is looking for a complete visual programming environment here. XML support in the standard dist (faster than xmllib.py) would be nice. Before that we'd need solid builtin Unicode support though... -- Marc-Andre Lemburg ______________________________________________________________________ Y2000: 53 days left Business: http://www.lemburg.com/ Python Pages: http://www.lemburg.com/python/
participants (5)
Fred L. Drake, Jr.
Guido van Rossum
James C. Ahlstrom
M.-A. Lemburg
Skip Montanaro