Bug/Patch Summary ----------------- 590 open / 4387 total bugs (+63) 207 open / 2476 total patches (+28) New Bugs -------- XMLGenerator.startElementNS dies on EMPTY_NAMESPACE attribut (2003-11-23) http://python.org/sf/847665 Keyword similar to "global" for nested scopes wanted (2003-11-23) http://python.org/sf/847778 64 bit solaris versus /usr/local/lib (2003-11-23) http://python.org/sf/847812 4.2.6 (re) Examples: float regexp exponential on failure (2003-11-24) http://python.org/sf/848556 couple of new list.sort bugs (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/848856 Windows installer halts (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/848871 pydoc crash on MacOS X (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/848907 gzip.GzipFile is slow (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/849046 Request: getpos() for sgmllib (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/849097 ZipInfo shows incorrect file size for large files (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/849218 reading shelves is really slow (2003-11-26) http://python.org/sf/849662 unclear documentation/missing command? (2003-11-27) http://python.org/sf/850238 Typo in Popen3 description (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/850818 Doc/README has broken link (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/850823 optparse: OptionParser.__init__'s "prog" argument ignored (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/850964 test_poll fails in 2.3.2 on MacOSX(Panther) (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/850981 mbcs encoding ignores errors (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/850997 building on Fedora Core 1 (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/851020 winreg can segfault (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/851056 shutil.copy destroys hard links (2003-11-29) http://python.org/sf/851123 Item out of order on builtin function page (2003-11-29) http://python.org/sf/851152 Bug tracker page asks for login even when logged in (2003-11-29) http://python.org/sf/851156 New-style classes with __eq__ but not __hash__ are hashable (2003-11-29) http://python.org/sf/851449 New Patches ----------- Port tests to unittest (Part 2) (2003-05-13) http://python.org/sf/736962 SimpleHTTPServer reports wrong content-length for text files (2003-11-10) http://python.org/sf/839496 Extend struct.unpack to produce nested tuples (2003-11-23) http://python.org/sf/847857 Cookie.py: One step closer to RFC 2109 (2003-11-23) http://python.org/sf/848017 Flakey urllib2.parse_http_list (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/848870 Small error in test_format (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/849252 832799 proposed changes (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/849262 improve embeddability of python (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/849278 urllib reporthook could be more informative (2003-11-25) http://python.org/sf/849407 Enhance frame handing in warnings.warn() (2003-11-27) http://python.org/sf/850482 Semaphore.acquire() timeout parameter (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/850728 call com_set_lineno more often (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/850789 Modify Setup.py to Detect Tcl/Tk on BSD (2003-11-28) http://python.org/sf/850977 Argument passing from /usr/bin/idle2.3 to idle.py (2003-11-29) http://python.org/sf/851459 Closed Bugs ----------- Dialogs too tight on OSX (2002-10-29) http://python.org/sf/630818 MacPython for Panther additions includes IDLE (2003-11-08) http://python.org/sf/838616 SimpleHTTPServer reports wrong content-length for text files (2003-11-10) http://python.org/sf/839496 PackMan database for panther misses devtools dep (2003-11-14) http://python.org/sf/842116 PackageManager: deselect show hidden: indexerror (2003-11-18) http://python.org/sf/844676 error in python's grammar (2003-11-21) http://python.org/sf/846521 "and" operator tests the first argument twice (2003-11-21) http://python.org/sf/846564 Closed Patches --------------
participants (1)
Skip Montanaro