GSoC Student Introduction

Hello, My name is Nick Edds. I am going to be working on the 2to3 tool with Collin Winter as my mentor. More specifically, I will be working on improving the performance of the 2to3 tool in general, and its use of patterns in particular. I would like to request commit privileges to work in a sandbox branch and although I don't have any familiarity with bzr, I would be comfortable using it. Regards, Nick

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Benjamin Peterson <> wrote:
See for info. And if you have any other issues feel free to ask, Nick. -Brett

See for info. And if you have any other issues feel free to ask, Nick.
I certainly can't speak for the respective mentors, but I feel that "use bazaar" really isn't the right answer to "can I get commit access?" One motivation for GSoC is also community bonding, and having the mentor (but not *only* the mentor) comment on the proposed changes, and monitor the progress of the project. That the development branch sits on the student's laptop doesn't really help in that process. Instead, the student would have to push the branch somewhere to a web-visible location. Now I question whether it's the student's obligation to find a server himself, or whether the mentoring org should provide the infrastructure (or, failing that, Google (*)). So I think an answer to the question above involving bazaar might be "yes, but please don't commit to subversion, but only to the bazaar repository". Regards, Martin (*) FWIW, Google does provide the infrastructure; students are encouraged (required?) to commit their work to

On 23/04/2008, "Martin v. Löwis" <> wrote:
Agreed. Can I also point out that Bazaar isn't an official repository for Python (yet). I don't want to open up the DVCS discussion again, but I have recently finished looking at both Bazaar and Mercurial for my personal use (including managing Python contributions) and decided on Mercurial. A significant part of the decision was the fact that in certain configurations, Bazaar is really, really slow. It feels a little like Bazaar is becoming the "de facto" DVCS solution for Python, and I'd like to avoid that happening until a proper evaluation has been done. Paul. PS If the fact that Bazaar repos are set up is an important factor here, I'd be willing to set up the equivalent Mercurial repos - although I would need access to the relevant boxes and possibly some admin assistance.

2008/4/23, "Martin v. Löwis" <>:
Hi Martin, What is the point on having a branch in the svn repo if you won't be able to commit ? Maybe I misunderstood what you said, so maybe could you clarify that answer ?
It is required to submit the "final and complete" work done during GSoC to a project under That project will be automatically created after gsoc ends. But yeh, we could create another project there to use as a repo for the summer. And thank you, James Tauber, effbot and everyone else that accepted me as a student this year too. I guess I should create a new thread to introduce myself and my project =) Thanks,
-- -- Guilherme H. Polo Goncalves

What I meant is this: you need commit privileges regardless of whether you are going to use bazaar or subversion (i.e. even for bazaar, you still need commit privileges). So if mentors favor usage of bazaar over subversion, they still need to arrange their students to get commit privileges, and then ask them not to use these privileges for subversion, but only for bazaar (because we only have a single set of credentials that we manage). HTH, Martin

2008/4/23 "Martin v. Löwis" <>:
I see, thanks for clearing it up. But, what about giving students a branch in the svn and instructing them to commit only there ? (Chris mentioned this two emails ago). If for some reason svn is not the way to go, then I'm happy in using bazaar for commits anyway. Also, are you (PSF) planning to do this now or just at the "official" gsoc start ? And, is there some internal discussion going on to decide if students are going to get a branch or something at python repositories ?
HTH, Martin
-- -- Guilherme H. Polo Goncalves

I think it's for the mentor to decide. I see no problems with svn - it's just that Brett suggested to use bazaar.
No, no discussion needed. The students should just send me their SSH keys, and their preferred form of firstname.lastname (some people may have names more complex than that), and I'll add them. Regards, Martin

Guilherme Polo schrieb:
I suggest we use the bounding period to set up the infrastructure for the students. I've already written a private mail to my student with several small tasks like subscribing to mailing lists, creating accounts at +, mailing the contribution agreement etc. By the end of the bounding period everything should be in place - including the working environment on the students' computers. Christian

Martin v. Löwis schrieb:
Students have to sign the contributor agreement anyway or we can't use their work. I don't see a problem with giving them svn commit privileges as long as they restrict themselves to their sandbox.
(*) FWIW, Google does provide the infrastructure; students are encouraged (required?) to commit their work to
People doesn't require the students to use their infrastructure. Google just wants three evaluations from the mentors (after the community bounding phase, mid term and at the end). Google also requires the student to send in a tarball with their work - patches, docs, tests and so on. The tarball is just required for legal reasons. Leslie once explained it's a social and legal hack to make the contract work and the lawyers happy. Christian

On Wed, Apr 23 2008 at 07:56:44AM BRT, Christian Heimes <> wrote:
Agreed. Using bazaar, at least in this context, involves pushing changes regularly to someplace visible, where the mentor and other developers may see and comment.
With that, says "anybody with write access to the Subversion repository can push their own branches to", so GSoC students could use bzr and push their changes to regularly, for mentor (and, more generally, core developers) comments. Cheers, rbp -- Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel <> | GPG: <0x0DB14978>

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Benjamin Peterson <> wrote:
See for info. And if you have any other issues feel free to ask, Nick. -Brett

See for info. And if you have any other issues feel free to ask, Nick.
I certainly can't speak for the respective mentors, but I feel that "use bazaar" really isn't the right answer to "can I get commit access?" One motivation for GSoC is also community bonding, and having the mentor (but not *only* the mentor) comment on the proposed changes, and monitor the progress of the project. That the development branch sits on the student's laptop doesn't really help in that process. Instead, the student would have to push the branch somewhere to a web-visible location. Now I question whether it's the student's obligation to find a server himself, or whether the mentoring org should provide the infrastructure (or, failing that, Google (*)). So I think an answer to the question above involving bazaar might be "yes, but please don't commit to subversion, but only to the bazaar repository". Regards, Martin (*) FWIW, Google does provide the infrastructure; students are encouraged (required?) to commit their work to

On 23/04/2008, "Martin v. Löwis" <> wrote:
Agreed. Can I also point out that Bazaar isn't an official repository for Python (yet). I don't want to open up the DVCS discussion again, but I have recently finished looking at both Bazaar and Mercurial for my personal use (including managing Python contributions) and decided on Mercurial. A significant part of the decision was the fact that in certain configurations, Bazaar is really, really slow. It feels a little like Bazaar is becoming the "de facto" DVCS solution for Python, and I'd like to avoid that happening until a proper evaluation has been done. Paul. PS If the fact that Bazaar repos are set up is an important factor here, I'd be willing to set up the equivalent Mercurial repos - although I would need access to the relevant boxes and possibly some admin assistance.

2008/4/23, "Martin v. Löwis" <>:
Hi Martin, What is the point on having a branch in the svn repo if you won't be able to commit ? Maybe I misunderstood what you said, so maybe could you clarify that answer ?
It is required to submit the "final and complete" work done during GSoC to a project under That project will be automatically created after gsoc ends. But yeh, we could create another project there to use as a repo for the summer. And thank you, James Tauber, effbot and everyone else that accepted me as a student this year too. I guess I should create a new thread to introduce myself and my project =) Thanks,
-- -- Guilherme H. Polo Goncalves

What I meant is this: you need commit privileges regardless of whether you are going to use bazaar or subversion (i.e. even for bazaar, you still need commit privileges). So if mentors favor usage of bazaar over subversion, they still need to arrange their students to get commit privileges, and then ask them not to use these privileges for subversion, but only for bazaar (because we only have a single set of credentials that we manage). HTH, Martin

2008/4/23 "Martin v. Löwis" <>:
I see, thanks for clearing it up. But, what about giving students a branch in the svn and instructing them to commit only there ? (Chris mentioned this two emails ago). If for some reason svn is not the way to go, then I'm happy in using bazaar for commits anyway. Also, are you (PSF) planning to do this now or just at the "official" gsoc start ? And, is there some internal discussion going on to decide if students are going to get a branch or something at python repositories ?
HTH, Martin
-- -- Guilherme H. Polo Goncalves

I think it's for the mentor to decide. I see no problems with svn - it's just that Brett suggested to use bazaar.
No, no discussion needed. The students should just send me their SSH keys, and their preferred form of firstname.lastname (some people may have names more complex than that), and I'll add them. Regards, Martin

Guilherme Polo schrieb:
I suggest we use the bounding period to set up the infrastructure for the students. I've already written a private mail to my student with several small tasks like subscribing to mailing lists, creating accounts at +, mailing the contribution agreement etc. By the end of the bounding period everything should be in place - including the working environment on the students' computers. Christian

Martin v. Löwis schrieb:
Students have to sign the contributor agreement anyway or we can't use their work. I don't see a problem with giving them svn commit privileges as long as they restrict themselves to their sandbox.
(*) FWIW, Google does provide the infrastructure; students are encouraged (required?) to commit their work to
People doesn't require the students to use their infrastructure. Google just wants three evaluations from the mentors (after the community bounding phase, mid term and at the end). Google also requires the student to send in a tarball with their work - patches, docs, tests and so on. The tarball is just required for legal reasons. Leslie once explained it's a social and legal hack to make the contract work and the lawyers happy. Christian

On Wed, Apr 23 2008 at 07:56:44AM BRT, Christian Heimes <> wrote:
Agreed. Using bazaar, at least in this context, involves pushing changes regularly to someplace visible, where the mentor and other developers may see and comment.
With that, says "anybody with write access to the Subversion repository can push their own branches to", so GSoC students could use bzr and push their changes to regularly, for mentor (and, more generally, core developers) comments. Cheers, rbp -- Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel <> | GPG: <0x0DB14978>
participants (8)
"Martin v. Löwis"
Benjamin Peterson
Brett Cannon
Christian Heimes
Guilherme Polo
Nick Edds
Paul Moore
Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel