I have 2.0 up and running on RH7.0, compiled from sources. In the process, I discovered a couple of issues: 1. The curses module is commented out in the default Modules/Setup file. This is not good, as it may lead careless distribution builders to ship Python 2.0s that will not be able to support the curses front end in CML2. Supporting CML2 (and thus getting Python the "design win" of being involved in the Linux kernel build) was the major point of integrating the curses module into the Python core. It is possible that one little "#" may have blown that. 2.The default Modules/Setup file assumes that various Tkinter-related libraries are in /usr/local. But /usr would be a more appropriate choice under most circumstances. Most Linux users now install their Tcl/Tk stuff from RPMs or .deb packages that place the binaries and libraries under /usr. Under most other Unixes (e.g. Solaris) they were there to begin with. 3. The configure machinery could be made to deduce more about the contents of Modules/Setup than it does now. In particular, it's silly that the person building Python has to fill in the locations of X librasries when configure is in principle perfectly capable of finding them. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> Our society won't be truly free until "None of the Above" is always an option.

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 02:37:50PM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
1. The curses module is commented out in the default Modules/Setup file. This is not good, as it may lead careless distribution builders
It always has been commented out. Good distributions ship with most of the available modules enabled; I can't say if RH7.0 counts as a good distribution or not (still on 6.2).
3. The configure machinery could be made to deduce more about the contents of Modules/Setup than it does now. In particular, it's silly that the person
This is the point of PEP 229 and patch #102588, which uses a setup.py script to build extension modules. (I need to upload an updated version of the patch which actually includes setup.py -- thought I did that, but apparently not...) The patch is still extremely green, though, but I think it's the best course; witness the tissue of hackery required to get the bsddb module automatically detected and built. --amk

Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin@mems-exchange.org>:
I think this needs to change. If curses is a core facility now, the default build should tread it as one. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would ... [be] the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible. -- Henry David Thoreau

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 02:37:50PM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
I have 2.0 up and running on RH7.0, compiled from sources. In the process, I discovered a couple of issues:
Note that Tkinter is off by default too. And readline. And ssl. And the use of shared libraries. We *can't* enable the cursesmodule by default, because we don't know what the system's curses library is called. We'd have to auto-detect that before we can enable it (and lots of other modules) automatically, and that's a lot of work. I personally favour autoconf for the job, but since amk is already busy on using distutils, I'm not going to work on that.
This is nonsense. The line above it specifically states 'edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk headers are'. And besides from the issue whether they are usually found in /usr (I don't believe so, not even on Solaris, but 'my' Solaris box doesn't even have tcl/tk,) /usr/local is a perfectly sane choice, since /usr is already included in the include-path, but /usr/local usually is not.
In principle, I agree. It's a lot of work, though. For instance, Debian stores the Tcl/Tk headers in /usr/include/tcl<version>, which means you can compile for more than one tcl version, by just changing your include path and the library you link with. And there are undoubtedly several other variants out there. Should we really make the Setup file default to Linux, and leave other operating systems in the dark about what it might be on their system ? I think people with Linux and without clue are the least likely people to compile their own Python, since Linux distributions already come with a decent enough Python. And, please, lets assume the people assembling those know how to read ? Maybe we just need a HOWTO document covering Setup ? (Besides, won't this all be fixed when CML2 comes with a distribution, Eric ? They'll *have* to have working curses/tkinter then :-) -- Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net> Hi! I'm a .signature virus! copy me into your .signature file to help me spread!

Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net>:
IMO ssl isn't an issue because it's not documented as being in the standard module set. Readline is a minor issue because raw_input()'s functionality changes somewhat if it's not linked, but I think we can live with this -- the change isn't visible to calling programs. Hm. It appears tkinter isn't documented in the standard set of modules either. Interesting. Technically this means I don't have a problem with it not being built in by default, but I think there is a problem here... My more general point is that right now Pyjthon has three classes of modules: 1. Documented as being in the core and built in by default. 2. Not documented as being in the core and not built in by default. 3. Documented as being in the core but not built in by default. My more general claim is that the existence of class 3 is a problem, because it compromises the "batteries are included" effect -- it means Python users don't have a bright-line test for what will be present in every Python (or at least every Python on an operating system theoretically feature-compatible with theirs). My struggle to get CML2 adopted brings this problem into particularly sharp focus because the kernel group is allergic to big footprints or having to download extension modules to do a build. But the issue is really broader than that. I think we ought to be migrating stuff out of class 3 into class 1 where possible and to class 2 only where unavoidable.
Yes, we need to do a lot more autodetection -- this is a large part of my point. I have nothing against distutils, but I don't see how it solves this problem unless we assume that we'll always have Python already available on any platform where we're building Python. I'm willing to put my effort where my mouth is on this. I have a lot of experience with autoconf; I'm willing to write some of these nasty config tests.
Is it? That is not clear from the comment. Perhaps this is just a documentation problem. I'll look again.
As I said to Guido, I think it is exactly our job to deal with this sort of grottiness. One of Python's major selling points is supposed to be cross-platform consistency of the API. If we fail to do what you're describing, we're failing to meet Python users' reasonable expectations for the language.
Please note that I am specifically *not* advocating making the build defaults Linux-centric. That's not my point at all.
Maybe we just need a HOWTO document covering Setup ?
That would be a good idea.
(Besides, won't this all be fixed when CML2 comes with a distribution, Eric ? They'll *have* to have working curses/tkinter then :-)
I'm concerned that it will work the other way around, that CML2 won't happen if the core does not reliably include these facilities. In itself CML2 not happening wouldn't be the end of the world of course, but I'm pushing on this because I think the larger issue of class 3 modules is actually important to the health of Python and needs to be attacked seriously. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> The Bible is not my book, and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma. -- Abraham Lincoln

On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 12:20:48PM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
My more general point is that right now Pyjthon has three classes of modules:
It depends on your definition of 'being in the core'. Some of the things that are 'in the core' are simply not possible on all platforms. So if you want really portable code, you don't want to use them. Other features are available on all systems that matter [to you], so you don't really care about it, just use them, and at best document that they need feature X. There is also the subtle difference between a Python user and a Python compiler/assembler (excuse my overloading of the terms, but you know what I mean). People who choose to compile their own Python should realize that they might disable or misconfigure some parts of it. I personally trust most people that assemble OS distributions to compile a proper Python binary + modules, but I think a HOWTO isn't a bad idea -- unless we autoconf everything.
[ and ]
[ and ]
[ and ]
Please note that I am specifically *not* advocating making the build defaults Linux-centric. That's not my point at all.
I apologize for the tone of my previous post, and the above snippet. I'm not trying to block progress here ;) I'm actually all for autodetecting as much as possible, and more than willing to put effort into it as well (as long as it's deemed useful, and isn't supplanted by a distutils variant weeks later.) And I personally have my doubts about the distutils variant, too, but that's partly because I have little experience with distutils. If we can work out a deal where both autoconf and distutils are an option, I'm happy to write a few, if not all, autoconf tests for the currently disabled modules. So, Eric, let's split the work. I'll do Tkinter if you do curses. :) However, I'm also keeping those oddball platforms that just don't support some features in mind. If you want truly portable code, you have to work at it. I think it's perfectly okay to say "your Python needs to have the curses module or the tkinter module compiled in -- contact your administrator if it has neither". There will still be platforms that don't have curses, or syslog, or crypt(), though hopefully none of them will be Linux. Oh, and I also apologize for possibly duplicating what has already been said by others. I haven't seen anything but this post (which was CC'd to me directly) since I posted my reply to Eric, due to the ululating bouts of delay on mail.python.org. Maybe DC should hire some *real* sysadmins, instead of those silly programmer-kniggits ? >:-> -- Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net> Hi! I'm a .signature virus! copy me into your .signature file to help me spread!

Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net>:
I understand. We can't, for example, guarantee to duplicate the Windows- specific stuff in the Unix port (nor would we want to in most cases :-)). However, I think "we build in curses/Tkinter everywhere the corresponding libraries exist" is a guarantee we can and should make. Similarly for other modules presently in class 3.
Yes. We have three categories here: 1. People who use python for applications (what I've been calling users) 2. People who configure Python binary packages for distribution (what you call a "compiler/assembler" and I think of as a "builder"). 3. People who hack Python itself. Problem is that "developer" is very ambiguous in this context...
I'd like to see both things happen (HOWTO and autoconfing) and am willing to work on both.
I apologize for the tone of my previous post, and the above snippet.
No offense taken at all, I assure you.
I admit I'm not very clear on the scope of what distutils is supposed to handle, and how. Perhaps amk can enlighten us?
So, Eric, let's split the work. I'll do Tkinter if you do curses. :)
You've got a deal. I'll start looking at the autoconf code. I've already got a fair idea how to do this. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> No one who's seen it in action can say the phrase "government help" without either laughing or crying.

Eric, I think your recent posts have shown a worldview that's a bit too Eric-centered. :-) Not all the world is Linux. CML2 isn't the only Python application that matters. Python world domination is not a goal. There is no Eric conspiracy! :-) That said, I think that the future is bright: Anderw is already working on a much more intelligent configuration manager. I believe it would be a mistake to enable curses by default using the current approach to module configuration: it doesn't compile out of the box on every platform, and you wouldn't believe how much email I get from clueless Unix users trying to build Python when there's a problem like that in the distribution. So I'd rather wait for Andrew's work. You could do worse than help him with that, to further your goal! --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Guido van Rossum <guido@digicool.com>:
Perhaps I misunderstood you, then. I thought you considered CML2 an potentially important design win, and that was why curses didn't get dropped from the core. Have you changed your mind about this? If Python world domination is not a goal then I can only conclude that you haven't had your morning coffee yet :-). There's a more general question here about what it means for something to be in the core language. Developers need to have a clear, bright-line picture of what they can count on to be present. To me this implies that it's the job of the Python maintainers to make sure that a facility declared "core" by its presence in the standard library documentation is always present, for maximum "batteries are included" effect. Yes, dealing with cross-platform variations in linking curses is a pain -- but dealing with that kind of pain so the Python user doesn't have to is precisely our job. Or so I understand it, anyway. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> Conservatism is the blind and fear-filled worship of dead radicals.

Supporting CML2 was one of the reasons to keep curses in the core, but not the only one. Linux kernel configuration is so far removed from my daily use of computers that I don't have a good way to judge its importance in the grand scheme of things. Since you obviously consider it very important, and since I generally trust your judgement (except on the issue of firearms :-), your plea for keeping, and improving, curses support in the Python core made a difference in my decision. And don't worry, I don't expect to change that decision -- though I personally still find it curious that curses is so important. I find curses-style user interfaces pretty pathetic, and wished that Linux migrated to a real GUI for configuration. (And the linuxconf approach does *not* qualify as a a real GUI. :-)
If Python world domination is not a goal then I can only conclude that you haven't had your morning coffee yet :-).
Sorry to disappoint you, Eric. I gave up coffee years ago. :-) I was totally serious though: my personal satisfaction doesn't come from Python world domination. Others seem have that goal, and if it doesn't inconvenience me too much I'll play along, but in the end I've got some goals in my personal life that are much more important.
We do the best we can. Using the current module configuration system, it's a one-character edit to enable curses if you need it. With Andrew's new scheme, it will be automatic.
So help Andrew: http://python.sourceforge.net/peps/pep-0229.html --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Guido van Rossum <guido@digicool.com>:
Thank you, that makes your priorities much clearer. Actually I agree with you that curses interfaces are mostly pretty pathetic. A lot of people still like them, though, because they tend to be fast and lightweight. Then, too, a really well-designed curses interface can in fact be good enough that the usability gain from GUIizing is marginal. My favorite examples of this are mutt and slrn. The fact that GUI programs have failed to make much headway against this is not simply due to user conservatism, it's genuinely hard to see how a GUI interface could be made significantly better. And unfortunately, there is a niche where it is still important to support curses interfacing independently of anyone's preferences in interface style -- early in the system-configuration process before one has bootstrapped to the point where X is reliably available. I hasten to add that this is not just *my* problem -- one of your more important Python constituencies in a practical sense is the guys who maintain Red Hat's installer.
There speaks the new husband :-). OK. So what *do* you want from Python? Personally, BTW, my goal is not exactly Python world domination either -- it's that the world should be dominated by the language that has the least tendency to produce grotty fragile code (remember that I tend to obsess about the software-quality problem :-)). Right now that's Python. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, short swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other types of arms. The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to foment uprisings. -- Toyotomi Hideyoshi, dictator of Japan, August 1588

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 02:37:50PM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
1. The curses module is commented out in the default Modules/Setup file. This is not good, as it may lead careless distribution builders
It always has been commented out. Good distributions ship with most of the available modules enabled; I can't say if RH7.0 counts as a good distribution or not (still on 6.2).
3. The configure machinery could be made to deduce more about the contents of Modules/Setup than it does now. In particular, it's silly that the person
This is the point of PEP 229 and patch #102588, which uses a setup.py script to build extension modules. (I need to upload an updated version of the patch which actually includes setup.py -- thought I did that, but apparently not...) The patch is still extremely green, though, but I think it's the best course; witness the tissue of hackery required to get the bsddb module automatically detected and built. --amk

Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin@mems-exchange.org>:
I think this needs to change. If curses is a core facility now, the default build should tread it as one. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would ... [be] the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible. -- Henry David Thoreau

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 02:37:50PM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
I have 2.0 up and running on RH7.0, compiled from sources. In the process, I discovered a couple of issues:
Note that Tkinter is off by default too. And readline. And ssl. And the use of shared libraries. We *can't* enable the cursesmodule by default, because we don't know what the system's curses library is called. We'd have to auto-detect that before we can enable it (and lots of other modules) automatically, and that's a lot of work. I personally favour autoconf for the job, but since amk is already busy on using distutils, I'm not going to work on that.
This is nonsense. The line above it specifically states 'edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk headers are'. And besides from the issue whether they are usually found in /usr (I don't believe so, not even on Solaris, but 'my' Solaris box doesn't even have tcl/tk,) /usr/local is a perfectly sane choice, since /usr is already included in the include-path, but /usr/local usually is not.
In principle, I agree. It's a lot of work, though. For instance, Debian stores the Tcl/Tk headers in /usr/include/tcl<version>, which means you can compile for more than one tcl version, by just changing your include path and the library you link with. And there are undoubtedly several other variants out there. Should we really make the Setup file default to Linux, and leave other operating systems in the dark about what it might be on their system ? I think people with Linux and without clue are the least likely people to compile their own Python, since Linux distributions already come with a decent enough Python. And, please, lets assume the people assembling those know how to read ? Maybe we just need a HOWTO document covering Setup ? (Besides, won't this all be fixed when CML2 comes with a distribution, Eric ? They'll *have* to have working curses/tkinter then :-) -- Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net> Hi! I'm a .signature virus! copy me into your .signature file to help me spread!

Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net>:
IMO ssl isn't an issue because it's not documented as being in the standard module set. Readline is a minor issue because raw_input()'s functionality changes somewhat if it's not linked, but I think we can live with this -- the change isn't visible to calling programs. Hm. It appears tkinter isn't documented in the standard set of modules either. Interesting. Technically this means I don't have a problem with it not being built in by default, but I think there is a problem here... My more general point is that right now Pyjthon has three classes of modules: 1. Documented as being in the core and built in by default. 2. Not documented as being in the core and not built in by default. 3. Documented as being in the core but not built in by default. My more general claim is that the existence of class 3 is a problem, because it compromises the "batteries are included" effect -- it means Python users don't have a bright-line test for what will be present in every Python (or at least every Python on an operating system theoretically feature-compatible with theirs). My struggle to get CML2 adopted brings this problem into particularly sharp focus because the kernel group is allergic to big footprints or having to download extension modules to do a build. But the issue is really broader than that. I think we ought to be migrating stuff out of class 3 into class 1 where possible and to class 2 only where unavoidable.
Yes, we need to do a lot more autodetection -- this is a large part of my point. I have nothing against distutils, but I don't see how it solves this problem unless we assume that we'll always have Python already available on any platform where we're building Python. I'm willing to put my effort where my mouth is on this. I have a lot of experience with autoconf; I'm willing to write some of these nasty config tests.
Is it? That is not clear from the comment. Perhaps this is just a documentation problem. I'll look again.
As I said to Guido, I think it is exactly our job to deal with this sort of grottiness. One of Python's major selling points is supposed to be cross-platform consistency of the API. If we fail to do what you're describing, we're failing to meet Python users' reasonable expectations for the language.
Please note that I am specifically *not* advocating making the build defaults Linux-centric. That's not my point at all.
Maybe we just need a HOWTO document covering Setup ?
That would be a good idea.
(Besides, won't this all be fixed when CML2 comes with a distribution, Eric ? They'll *have* to have working curses/tkinter then :-)
I'm concerned that it will work the other way around, that CML2 won't happen if the core does not reliably include these facilities. In itself CML2 not happening wouldn't be the end of the world of course, but I'm pushing on this because I think the larger issue of class 3 modules is actually important to the health of Python and needs to be attacked seriously. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> The Bible is not my book, and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma. -- Abraham Lincoln

On Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 12:20:48PM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
My more general point is that right now Pyjthon has three classes of modules:
It depends on your definition of 'being in the core'. Some of the things that are 'in the core' are simply not possible on all platforms. So if you want really portable code, you don't want to use them. Other features are available on all systems that matter [to you], so you don't really care about it, just use them, and at best document that they need feature X. There is also the subtle difference between a Python user and a Python compiler/assembler (excuse my overloading of the terms, but you know what I mean). People who choose to compile their own Python should realize that they might disable or misconfigure some parts of it. I personally trust most people that assemble OS distributions to compile a proper Python binary + modules, but I think a HOWTO isn't a bad idea -- unless we autoconf everything.
[ and ]
[ and ]
[ and ]
Please note that I am specifically *not* advocating making the build defaults Linux-centric. That's not my point at all.
I apologize for the tone of my previous post, and the above snippet. I'm not trying to block progress here ;) I'm actually all for autodetecting as much as possible, and more than willing to put effort into it as well (as long as it's deemed useful, and isn't supplanted by a distutils variant weeks later.) And I personally have my doubts about the distutils variant, too, but that's partly because I have little experience with distutils. If we can work out a deal where both autoconf and distutils are an option, I'm happy to write a few, if not all, autoconf tests for the currently disabled modules. So, Eric, let's split the work. I'll do Tkinter if you do curses. :) However, I'm also keeping those oddball platforms that just don't support some features in mind. If you want truly portable code, you have to work at it. I think it's perfectly okay to say "your Python needs to have the curses module or the tkinter module compiled in -- contact your administrator if it has neither". There will still be platforms that don't have curses, or syslog, or crypt(), though hopefully none of them will be Linux. Oh, and I also apologize for possibly duplicating what has already been said by others. I haven't seen anything but this post (which was CC'd to me directly) since I posted my reply to Eric, due to the ululating bouts of delay on mail.python.org. Maybe DC should hire some *real* sysadmins, instead of those silly programmer-kniggits ? >:-> -- Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net> Hi! I'm a .signature virus! copy me into your .signature file to help me spread!

Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net>:
I understand. We can't, for example, guarantee to duplicate the Windows- specific stuff in the Unix port (nor would we want to in most cases :-)). However, I think "we build in curses/Tkinter everywhere the corresponding libraries exist" is a guarantee we can and should make. Similarly for other modules presently in class 3.
Yes. We have three categories here: 1. People who use python for applications (what I've been calling users) 2. People who configure Python binary packages for distribution (what you call a "compiler/assembler" and I think of as a "builder"). 3. People who hack Python itself. Problem is that "developer" is very ambiguous in this context...
I'd like to see both things happen (HOWTO and autoconfing) and am willing to work on both.
I apologize for the tone of my previous post, and the above snippet.
No offense taken at all, I assure you.
I admit I'm not very clear on the scope of what distutils is supposed to handle, and how. Perhaps amk can enlighten us?
So, Eric, let's split the work. I'll do Tkinter if you do curses. :)
You've got a deal. I'll start looking at the autoconf code. I've already got a fair idea how to do this. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> No one who's seen it in action can say the phrase "government help" without either laughing or crying.

Eric, I think your recent posts have shown a worldview that's a bit too Eric-centered. :-) Not all the world is Linux. CML2 isn't the only Python application that matters. Python world domination is not a goal. There is no Eric conspiracy! :-) That said, I think that the future is bright: Anderw is already working on a much more intelligent configuration manager. I believe it would be a mistake to enable curses by default using the current approach to module configuration: it doesn't compile out of the box on every platform, and you wouldn't believe how much email I get from clueless Unix users trying to build Python when there's a problem like that in the distribution. So I'd rather wait for Andrew's work. You could do worse than help him with that, to further your goal! --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Guido van Rossum <guido@digicool.com>:
Perhaps I misunderstood you, then. I thought you considered CML2 an potentially important design win, and that was why curses didn't get dropped from the core. Have you changed your mind about this? If Python world domination is not a goal then I can only conclude that you haven't had your morning coffee yet :-). There's a more general question here about what it means for something to be in the core language. Developers need to have a clear, bright-line picture of what they can count on to be present. To me this implies that it's the job of the Python maintainers to make sure that a facility declared "core" by its presence in the standard library documentation is always present, for maximum "batteries are included" effect. Yes, dealing with cross-platform variations in linking curses is a pain -- but dealing with that kind of pain so the Python user doesn't have to is precisely our job. Or so I understand it, anyway. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> Conservatism is the blind and fear-filled worship of dead radicals.

Supporting CML2 was one of the reasons to keep curses in the core, but not the only one. Linux kernel configuration is so far removed from my daily use of computers that I don't have a good way to judge its importance in the grand scheme of things. Since you obviously consider it very important, and since I generally trust your judgement (except on the issue of firearms :-), your plea for keeping, and improving, curses support in the Python core made a difference in my decision. And don't worry, I don't expect to change that decision -- though I personally still find it curious that curses is so important. I find curses-style user interfaces pretty pathetic, and wished that Linux migrated to a real GUI for configuration. (And the linuxconf approach does *not* qualify as a a real GUI. :-)
If Python world domination is not a goal then I can only conclude that you haven't had your morning coffee yet :-).
Sorry to disappoint you, Eric. I gave up coffee years ago. :-) I was totally serious though: my personal satisfaction doesn't come from Python world domination. Others seem have that goal, and if it doesn't inconvenience me too much I'll play along, but in the end I've got some goals in my personal life that are much more important.
We do the best we can. Using the current module configuration system, it's a one-character edit to enable curses if you need it. With Andrew's new scheme, it will be automatic.
So help Andrew: http://python.sourceforge.net/peps/pep-0229.html --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Guido van Rossum <guido@digicool.com>:
Thank you, that makes your priorities much clearer. Actually I agree with you that curses interfaces are mostly pretty pathetic. A lot of people still like them, though, because they tend to be fast and lightweight. Then, too, a really well-designed curses interface can in fact be good enough that the usability gain from GUIizing is marginal. My favorite examples of this are mutt and slrn. The fact that GUI programs have failed to make much headway against this is not simply due to user conservatism, it's genuinely hard to see how a GUI interface could be made significantly better. And unfortunately, there is a niche where it is still important to support curses interfacing independently of anyone's preferences in interface style -- early in the system-configuration process before one has bootstrapped to the point where X is reliably available. I hasten to add that this is not just *my* problem -- one of your more important Python constituencies in a practical sense is the guys who maintain Red Hat's installer.
There speaks the new husband :-). OK. So what *do* you want from Python? Personally, BTW, my goal is not exactly Python world domination either -- it's that the world should be dominated by the language that has the least tendency to produce grotty fragile code (remember that I tend to obsess about the software-quality problem :-)). Right now that's Python. -- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a> The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any swords, short swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other types of arms. The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the collection of taxes and dues and tends to foment uprisings. -- Toyotomi Hideyoshi, dictator of Japan, August 1588
participants (4)
Andrew Kuchling
Eric S. Raymond
Guido van Rossum
Thomas Wouters