FYI, I am no longer emplyed by ActiveState (Merry Christmas! :) ActiveState have pretty much stopped all Komodo and Python work for the forseeable future. This left me without an immediate project and therefore without an immediate job. It was very dissapointing to hear this just after slaving to get the 1.2 release of Komodo out the door and just a few days before Christmas. So, please don't use my ActiveState.com email address. Further, I will probably be moving back to being self-employed (in the short term anyway), so if anyone hears of suitable opportunities, then feel free to pass them my way :) On the bright side, it will free my time to finish up some pending Python work I have been meaning to do. Happy holidays, Mark.

FYI, I am no longer emplyed by ActiveState (Merry Christmas! :)
Au, that hurts. :(
I'll say. I'm guessing we might as well drop ActiveState from the list of PSF sponsors now.
Hmm... The economy is going through a rough time on this side of the pond / border as well. :(
On the bright side, it will free my time to finish up some pending Python work I have been meaning to do.
Yay! Will we see you at the next (last) Python conference? --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Guido van Rossum wrote:
Will we see you at the next (last) Python conference?
Am I misreading this, or is IPC10 going to be the final Python conference? (I'm still way behind on c.l.py, but I figure something like this ought to have been posted to c.l.py.announce if true.) -- --- Aahz (@pobox.com) Hugs and backrubs -- I break Rule 6 <*> http://www.rahul.net/aahz/ Androgynous poly kinky vanilla queer het Pythonista We must not let the evil of a few trample the freedoms of the many.

Will we see you at the next (last) Python conference?
Am I misreading this, or is IPC10 going to be the final Python conference?
I expect Guido was confusing tenses due to time machine travel to fix the worst 2.2 bugs before they got reported -- they were (or would have been -- or will be had they not been fixed beforehand in the past now) really embarrassing. Whether there will be another Python conference is always a matter for keen speculation. The organizers claim to lose money on it, despite the craters it leaves in attendees' wallets. Ask again about a year from now ...

I obviously can't speak for ActiveState ;-) I really have no idea exactly what "pretty much stopped ... Python work" means in reality, nor what the longer term plans are.
Indeed :)
Will we see you at the next (last) Python conference?
Unfortunately not :( It would be irresponsible of me to commit to that much money without knowing where my next dollar was coming from :) And if you had ever met my girlfriend, you would know that I am very aware exactly where my next dollar is *going* :) Mark.

"MH" == Mark Hammond <mhammond@skippinet.com.au> writes:
MH> Unfortunately not :( It would be irresponsible of me to commit MH> to that much money without knowing where my next dollar was MH> coming from :) And if you had ever met my girlfriend, you MH> would know that I am very aware exactly where my next dollar MH> is *going* :) LOL, COL. We'll raise a pint for ya Mark. purple-ly y'rs, -Barry

[Mark Hammond]
FYI, I am no longer emplyed by ActiveState (Merry Christmas! :)
Indeed! So you'll be using the PythonLabs installer again? Pay close attention to its "Installation Finished" screen -- I changed that months ago in anticipation of your coming home to us <wink>.
Bummer. It's times like this I'm glad Aussies don't have feelings.
It was very dissapointing to hear this just after slaving to get the 1.2 release of Komodo out the door and just a few days before Christmas.
Yup. If it's any consolation, BeOpen.com stopped paying us the week before Python 2.0 was scheduled for release. We all wanted to go on a month-long bender, but Guido didn't let us leave his office until the release was finished. See? You *could* have been working for Guido, and *then* what a living hell your life would have been ...
Will do.
On the bright side, it will free my time to finish up some pending Python work I have been meaning to do.
If you find a way to move Armin Rigo's Psyco along while getting paid for it, I'll join you. Else I'll just reassign every bug and patch with the string "win" in it to you -- heh heh. Have a relaxed holiday, Mark! We'll still be here when you get out of detox. or-at-least-guido-will-be-and-that's-enough-ly y'rs - tim

FYI, I am no longer emplyed by ActiveState (Merry Christmas! :)
Au, that hurts. :(
I'll say. I'm guessing we might as well drop ActiveState from the list of PSF sponsors now.
Hmm... The economy is going through a rough time on this side of the pond / border as well. :(
On the bright side, it will free my time to finish up some pending Python work I have been meaning to do.
Yay! Will we see you at the next (last) Python conference? --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

Guido van Rossum wrote:
Will we see you at the next (last) Python conference?
Am I misreading this, or is IPC10 going to be the final Python conference? (I'm still way behind on c.l.py, but I figure something like this ought to have been posted to c.l.py.announce if true.) -- --- Aahz (@pobox.com) Hugs and backrubs -- I break Rule 6 <*> http://www.rahul.net/aahz/ Androgynous poly kinky vanilla queer het Pythonista We must not let the evil of a few trample the freedoms of the many.

Will we see you at the next (last) Python conference?
Am I misreading this, or is IPC10 going to be the final Python conference?
I expect Guido was confusing tenses due to time machine travel to fix the worst 2.2 bugs before they got reported -- they were (or would have been -- or will be had they not been fixed beforehand in the past now) really embarrassing. Whether there will be another Python conference is always a matter for keen speculation. The organizers claim to lose money on it, despite the craters it leaves in attendees' wallets. Ask again about a year from now ...

I obviously can't speak for ActiveState ;-) I really have no idea exactly what "pretty much stopped ... Python work" means in reality, nor what the longer term plans are.
Indeed :)
Will we see you at the next (last) Python conference?
Unfortunately not :( It would be irresponsible of me to commit to that much money without knowing where my next dollar was coming from :) And if you had ever met my girlfriend, you would know that I am very aware exactly where my next dollar is *going* :) Mark.

"MH" == Mark Hammond <mhammond@skippinet.com.au> writes:
MH> Unfortunately not :( It would be irresponsible of me to commit MH> to that much money without knowing where my next dollar was MH> coming from :) And if you had ever met my girlfriend, you MH> would know that I am very aware exactly where my next dollar MH> is *going* :) LOL, COL. We'll raise a pint for ya Mark. purple-ly y'rs, -Barry

[Mark Hammond]
FYI, I am no longer emplyed by ActiveState (Merry Christmas! :)
Indeed! So you'll be using the PythonLabs installer again? Pay close attention to its "Installation Finished" screen -- I changed that months ago in anticipation of your coming home to us <wink>.
Bummer. It's times like this I'm glad Aussies don't have feelings.
It was very dissapointing to hear this just after slaving to get the 1.2 release of Komodo out the door and just a few days before Christmas.
Yup. If it's any consolation, BeOpen.com stopped paying us the week before Python 2.0 was scheduled for release. We all wanted to go on a month-long bender, but Guido didn't let us leave his office until the release was finished. See? You *could* have been working for Guido, and *then* what a living hell your life would have been ...
Will do.
On the bright side, it will free my time to finish up some pending Python work I have been meaning to do.
If you find a way to move Armin Rigo's Psyco along while getting paid for it, I'll join you. Else I'll just reassign every bug and patch with the string "win" in it to you -- heh heh. Have a relaxed holiday, Mark! We'll still be here when you get out of detox. or-at-least-guido-will-be-and-that's-enough-ly y'rs - tim
participants (5)
Guido van Rossum
Mark Hammond
Tim Peters