Re: [Python-Dev] RPM *.spec file

Could someone point me to the RPM *.spec file with which was built the Python 2.2 (
The nice thing about an source RPM file (.src.rpm) is that includes *ALL* things necessary to reproduce the build of the software. This includes the pristine source, any modifications required to build, shell commands to build/install it, and the meta-data. So, pick up the .src.rpm file from the URL you mention above. It's got everything you need... You can either install it and find the .spec file in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS, or you can extract the .src.rpm using "rpm2cpio" and using CPIO to get just the files you want.
I've asked Sean to contribute his specfile, but he hasn't given them to me yet.
Well, at some point we were talking about wether to eliminate the patches and how to do it for expat and ... I was actually thinking last night of putting them into CVS (I made some modifications that I thought would let Zope 2.4.3 build, but didn't and I backed them out). How would you like to deal with the .spec file and patches? I can easily enough turn the patches into sed commands in the setup, which would mean you could build the RPMs from the Python tar file directly, if included there. Do you want me to just mail the new .spec file to you when I ask you to upload the new RPMs, or do you want a script that would check out the latest .spec file from my CVS into your tree, update the version number in it, and go from there, or can I get access to your CVS for checking in new .specs? Or, I guess we could get it updated into the current CVS and I could submit patches through the Sourceforge. Except I always sourceFORGET to click the "click here to attach file" button. <sigh> Comments? Sean -- "McGuyver stole all his tricks from Dr. Who." Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

FYI, I've checked in Sean's RPM spec file and the patches under Misc/RPM/, replacing the previous (outdated) contents there. --Guido van Rossum (home page:

W liście z nie, 06-01-2002, godz. 04:26, Guido van Rossum pisze:
FYI, I've checked in Sean's RPM spec file and the patches under Misc/RPM/, replacing the previous (outdated) contents there.
thank you very much: this is what suits me best - I prefer the specfile in the main tarfile (AND cvs). In this way if building RPM-s doesn't work I can always build it in the 'classic' way but still I don't have to wait for the src.rpms to appear (don't want to say that this is the case with Python releases, but generarly I prefer original tarballs _with_ rpm specs to src.rpms with nobody-knows-what-changes-applied). thanks and best regards -- Marek Pętlicki <> Linux User ID=162988

W liście z nie, 06-01-2002, godz. 04:26, Guido van Rossum pisze:
FYI, I've checked in Sean's RPM spec file and the patches under Misc/RPM/, replacing the previous (outdated) contents there.
thank you very much: this is what suits me best - I prefer the specfile in the main tarfile (AND cvs). In this way if building RPM-s doesn't work I can always build it in the 'classic' way but still I don't have to wait for the src.rpms to appear (don't want to say that this is the case with Python releases, but generarly I prefer original tarballs _with_ rpm specs to src.rpms with nobody-knows-what-changes-applied). thanks and best regards -- Marek Pętlicki <> Linux User ID=162988

FYI, I've checked in Sean's RPM spec file and the patches under Misc/RPM/, replacing the previous (outdated) contents there. --Guido van Rossum (home page:

W liście z nie, 06-01-2002, godz. 04:26, Guido van Rossum pisze:
FYI, I've checked in Sean's RPM spec file and the patches under Misc/RPM/, replacing the previous (outdated) contents there.
thank you very much: this is what suits me best - I prefer the specfile in the main tarfile (AND cvs). In this way if building RPM-s doesn't work I can always build it in the 'classic' way but still I don't have to wait for the src.rpms to appear (don't want to say that this is the case with Python releases, but generarly I prefer original tarballs _with_ rpm specs to src.rpms with nobody-knows-what-changes-applied). thanks and best regards -- Marek Pętlicki <> Linux User ID=162988

W liście z nie, 06-01-2002, godz. 04:26, Guido van Rossum pisze:
FYI, I've checked in Sean's RPM spec file and the patches under Misc/RPM/, replacing the previous (outdated) contents there.
thank you very much: this is what suits me best - I prefer the specfile in the main tarfile (AND cvs). In this way if building RPM-s doesn't work I can always build it in the 'classic' way but still I don't have to wait for the src.rpms to appear (don't want to say that this is the case with Python releases, but generarly I prefer original tarballs _with_ rpm specs to src.rpms with nobody-knows-what-changes-applied). thanks and best regards -- Marek Pętlicki <> Linux User ID=162988
participants (3)
Guido van Rossum
Marek Pętlicki
Sean Reifschneider