Re: [Python-Dev] __doc__ behavior in class definitions

At 12:15 PM 10/7/2005 -0700, Martin Maly wrote:
Correct - the scoping rules about local bindings causing a symbol to be local only apply to *function* scopes. Class scopes are able to refer to module-level names until the name is shadowed in the class scope.
Is this bug in Python or are __doc__ strings in classes subject to some additional rules?
Neither; the behavior you're seeing doesn't have anything to do with docstrings per se, it's just normal Python binding behavior, coupled with the fact that the class' docstring isn't set until the class suite is completed. It's currently acceptable (if questionable style) to do things like this in today's Python: X = 1 class X: X = X + 1 print X.X # this will print "2" More commonly, and less questionably, this would manifest as something like: def function_taking_foo(foo, bar): ... class Foo(blah): function_taking_foo = function_taking_foo This makes it possible to call 'function_taking_foo(aFooInstance, someBar)' or 'aFooInstance.function_taking_foo(someBar)'. I've used this pattern a couple times myself, and I believe there may actually be cases in the standard library that do something like this, although maybe not binding the method under the same name as the function.
participants (1)
Phillip J. Eby