En Thu, 30 Apr 2009 17:59:55 -0300, Jared Grubb escribió:
> The only thing I dislike is how many dictionary lookups are required in
> order to return the value after it's been cached. I count 4 lookups
> (object.prop, prop.__call__, self._cache, and self._cache[args]). These
> add up, especially if object.prop could have returned the value
> immediately without having to go through so much indirection (but this
> is not currently possible)
It is not possible if one insist on …
[View More]using property. But Oleg Broytmann's
CachedAttribute class works fine -- it seems to me it didn't get the
deserved attention. I'll repost a slightly modified version:
class CachedAttribute(object):
def __init__(self, method, name=None):
self.method = method
self.name = name or method.__name__
self.__doc__ = method.__doc__
def __get__(self, inst, cls):
if inst is None:
return self
result = self.method(inst)
setattr(inst, self.name, result)
return result
class Foo(object):
def expensive(self):
"docstring for the expensive property"
print("computing value...")
return 42
py> f = Foo()
py> f.expensive
computing value...
py> f.expensive
py> f.expensive = 43
py> f.expensive
py> del f.expensive
py> f.expensive
computing value...
py> f.expensive
Note that once the value is computed, it becomes an instance attribute;
later accesses retrieve it directly, no indirection is involved.
Gabriel Genellina
Yahoo! Cocina
Recetas prácticas y comida saludable
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