
November 2010

  • 63 participants
  • 27 discussions
i18n and Python tracebacks
by Andre Roberge Oct. 28, 2012

Oct. 28, 2012
9 15
0 0
Cofunctions PEP - Revision 4
by Greg Ewing Oct. 13, 2012

Oct. 13, 2012
11 29
0 0
Bring back callable()
by Antoine Pitrou March 7, 2011

March 7, 2011
17 21
0 0
Possible PEP 380 tweak
by Guido van Rossum Dec. 11, 2010

Dec. 11, 2010
7 50
0 0
Detecting circular imports ?
by Tarek Ziadé Dec. 6, 2010

Dec. 6, 2010
12 17
0 0
8 14
0 0

Dec. 4, 2010
19 38
0 0
Truly international Python
by Dima Tisnek Dec. 2, 2010

Dec. 2, 2010
8 10
0 0
In-process interpreters
by Dima Tisnek Nov. 30, 2010

Nov. 30, 2010
gc callbacks
by Kristján Valur Jónsson Nov. 29, 2010

Nov. 29, 2010
compile() getting an optmize flag
by Kristján Valur Jónsson Nov. 27, 2010

Nov. 27, 2010
syntax for set
by Alexandre Conrad Nov. 26, 2010

Nov. 26, 2010
25 54
0 0
Re: [Python-ideas] syntax for set
by Bruce Leban Nov. 25, 2010

Nov. 25, 2010
Re: [Python-ideas] Set Syntax
by Gerald Britton Nov. 24, 2010

Nov. 24, 2010

Nov. 22, 2010
17 26
0 0
syntax for set
by average Nov. 22, 2010

Nov. 22, 2010
In-process interpreters
by Swapnil Talekar Nov. 19, 2010

Nov. 19, 2010
Fwd: In-process interpreters
by Swapnil Talekar Nov. 17, 2010

Nov. 17, 2010
pool threads
by Kristján Valur Jónsson Nov. 16, 2010

Nov. 16, 2010

Nov. 14, 2010
6 12
0 0

Nov. 12, 2010
4 13
0 0
time.wallclock() or other similar stuff
by Kristján Valur Jónsson Nov. 8, 2010

Nov. 8, 2010
17 25
0 0
Multi-line strings that respect indentation
by Daniel da Silva Nov. 7, 2010

Nov. 7, 2010
15 21
0 0
Remapping a table's keys
by Andrey Fedorov Nov. 5, 2010

Nov. 5, 2010

Nov. 3, 2010