On 14.03.2014 02:59, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
PEP: XXXX Title: Dedicated infix operators for matrix multiplication and matrix power
Specification =============
Two new binary operators are added to the Python language, together with corresponding in-place versions:
======= ========================= =============================== Op Precedence/associativity Methods ======= ========================= =============================== ``@`` Same as ``*`` ``__matmul__``, ``__rmatmul__`` ``@@`` Same as ``**`` ``__matpow__``, ``__rmatpow__`` ``@=`` n/a ``__imatmul__`` ``@@=`` n/a ``__imatpow__`` ======= ========================= ===============================
When working with n-dimensional arrays, there are two different ways we might want to define multiplication. One is elementwise multiplication::
[[1, 2], [[11, 12], [[1 * 11, 2 * 12], [3, 4]] x [13, 14]] = [3 * 13, 4 * 14]]
and the other is `matrix multiplication`_:
.. _matrix multiplication: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication
I have some questions: 1. Since in math, the operator is usually spelt "·" (the center dot, or "." but that's already reserved for methods and attributes in Python), why not try to use that instead of "@" (which in Python already identifies decorators) ? 2. The PEP should include a section on how other programming languages solve this, i.e. what syntax they use for matrix multiplications. 3. Since matrix multiplication is only one type of product you find in math, albeit a very frequently used one, how would those other products fit into the picture ? Would then have to use methods again ? E.g. think of cross product, inner product, outer/tensor product. 4. Another very common operation needed in vector/matrix calculation is transposition. This is usually written as superscript "T" or "t" ("ᵀ" in Unicode). Wouldn't this operator be needed as well, to make the picture complete ? OTOH, we currently don't have postfix operators in Python, so I guess writing this as A.transpose() comes close enough ;-) Now since this is all about syntactic sugar, we also need to look at some code examples: I == A @@ -1 @ A vs. I == A ·· -1 · A vs. I == A.inverse().dot(A) (A @ B).transpose() == A.transpose() @ B.transpose() vs. (A · B).transpose() == A.transpose() · B.transpose() vs. A.dot(B).transpose() == A.transpose().dot(B.transpose()) c = A @ v vs. c = A · v vs. c = A.dot(v) Hmm, even though I'd love to see matrix operators in Python, I don't think they really add clarity to the syntax of matrix calculations - a bit disappointing, I must say :-( -- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Mar 14 2014)
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