Interesting. I haven't looked at that package before. It looks like it would work well for that. On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 4:48 AM Robert Vanden Eynde <robertve92@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm wondering how your examples would go with from funcoperators import infix (https://pypi.org/project/funcoperators/)
sum(1:6) # instead of sum(range(1, 6))
sum(1 /exclusive/ 6)
list(1 /exclusive/ 6) set(1 /exclusive/ 1)
Note that you can pick another name. Note that you can pick another function :
@infix def inclusive (a, b): return range(a, b+1)
sum(1 /inclusive/ 6)
for i in (1:6):
for i in 1 /exclusive/ 6: print(i**2)
(i**2 for i in (1:6))
(i ** 2 for i in 1 /exclusive/ 6)
It also makes forming reusable slices clearer and easier:
my_slice = (:6:2) # instead of slice(None, 6, 2) my_list[my_slice]
I don't have exact equivalent here, I would create a function or explicitly say slice(0, 6, 2)
This is similar to passing a range/slice object into the respective
[1:6] # list(1:6) or [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] {1:6} # set(1:6) or {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
As mentioned before {1:6} is a dict.
Here are a few more examples:
for i in (:5): # 5 elements 0 to 4, i.e. range(5)
Everybody knows i in range(5).
for i in (1:): # counts up from one for as long as you want, i.e. count(1)
Well, count(1) is nice and people can google it.