There are three modes in which you can await multiple coroutines:
- iterate over results as they become ready
- await till all are done
- await till any is done
For example C# has helper functions WhenAll and WhenAny for that:
await Task.WhenAll(tasks_list);
await Task.WhenAny(tasks_list);
I can imagine the set of three functions being exposed to user to control waiting for multiple coroutines:
asynctools.as_done() # returns asynchronous iterator for iterating over the results of coroutines as they complete
asynctools.all_done() # returns a future aggregating results from the given coroutine objects, which awaited returns list of results (like asyncio.gather())
asynctools.any_done() # returns a future, which awaited returns result of first completed coroutine
from asynctools import as_done, all_done, any_done
corobj0 = async_sql_query("SELECT...")
corobj1 = async_memcached_get("someid")
corobj2 = async_http_get("")
# ------------------------------------------------
# Iterate over results as coroutines complete
# using async iterator
await for result in as_done([corobj0, corobj1, corobj2]):
# ------------------------------------------------
# Await for results of all coroutines
# using async iterator
results = []
await for result in as_done([corobj0, corobj1, corobj2]):
# or using shorthand all_done()
results = await all_done([corobj0, corobj1, corobj2])
# ------------------------------------------------
# Await for a result of first completed coroutine
# using async iterator
await for result in as_done([corobj0, corobj1, corobj2]):
first_result = result
# or using shorthand any_done()
first_result = await any_done([corobj0, corobj1, corobj2])
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