I'm a newbie and Python ideas was recommended to me as a place to go to.

I think this is a good idea that have port parameter in "urlunparse" method. (refer to: https://bugs.python.org/issue38408)

One way is to add keyword parameters to urlunparse, like:
def urlunparse(components, *, username=None, password=None, hostname=None, port=None):

Which would be called like this:
site_to_test = urllib.parse.urlunparse((scheme, host, page, '', '', ''), port=9097)

Another interface would be have all URL parameters passed in as keyword arguments. so you can't pass in both "components" and any other named parameter.

Like this:
def urlunparse(components=None, scheme=None, netloc=None, path=None, params=None, query=None, fragment=None, *, username=None, password=None, hostname=None, port=None):

And then error if components is set and any of other named parameters are also set.

My question is which would we prefer?