On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 2:59 PM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
>   ∆y(P, H,L, E, I) := H * L^4 * P / (384 * E * I)

Δy = lambda P, H, L, E, I: H * L**4 * P / (384 * E * I)
    <function __main__.<lambda>(P, H, L, E, I)>
Is there a good way to redefine the '^' operator for {int, float, Decimal, Fraction, numbers.Number}? Why would it be dangerous to monkey-patch global types this way? Could a context manager redefine `float.__xor__ = float.__pow_` for just that scope? Why or why not?


As far as syntactical preferences, LaTeX may be considered to be the canonical non-executable syntax for mathematical expressions and equations.
SymPy can parse LaTeX into symbolic expressions.
Jupyter can render LaTeX embedded in  Markdown.
SymPy displays expressions as LaTeX in Jupyter notebooks.

from sympy import symbols
P, H, L, E, I = symbols('P, H, L, E, I')
Δy = H * L**4 * P / (384 * E * I)
$\frac{H L^{4} P}{384 E I}$

import sympy
$\frac{H L^{4} P}{384 E_{} I_{}}$

https://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/core.html#sympy.core.sympify.sympify calls parse_expr with `convert_xor=True`, by default.

https://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/parsing.html#sympy.parsing.sympy_parser.convert_xor :
> Treats XOR, ^, as exponentiation, **.

from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr, standard_transformations,\ convert_xor
trx = (standard_transformations +
parse_expr("H*L^4*P/(384*E_*I_)", transformations=trx)
$\frac{H L^{4} P}{384 E_{} I_{}}$

https://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/parsing.html#experimental-mathrm-latex-parsing :
> LaTeX Parsing Caveats
> The current implementation is experimental. The behavior, parser backend and API might change in the future. Unlike some of the other parsers, LATEX is designed as a type-setting language, not a computer algebra system and so can contain typographical conventions that might be interpreted multiple ways

from sympy.parsing.latex import parse_latex
#parse_latex(r'\frac{H L^{4} P}{384 E_{} I_{}}')
parse_latex(r'\frac{H L^{4} P}{384 E I}')
$\displaystyle \frac{H L^{4} P}{384 E I}$

SageMath defines ^ as operator.pow. CoCalc supports Sage notebooks as well as Jupyter notebooks which import a CAS like SymPy, SymEngine, Diofant, SageMath.

... https://www.lidavidm.me/blog/posts/2013-09-15-implicit-parsing-in-sympy.html


Thanks for all of those suggestions! Some of those I've explored, others I haven't. 

I feel like I ought to relent from hijacking this thread now. Apologies to all.