On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 10:23:18PM -0500, David Mertz, Ph.D. wrote:
I'd agree to "limited", but not "hostile." Look at the suggestions I mentioned: validate, canoncialize, security check. All of those are perfectly fine in `.__new__()`.
No, they aren't perfectly fine, because as soon as you apply any operation to your string subclass, you get back a plain vanilla string which bypasses your custom `__new__` and so does not perform the validation or security check.
But this much (say with a better validator) gets you static type checking, syntax highlighting, and inherent documentation of intent.
Any half-way decent static type-checker will immediately fail as soon as you call a method on this html string, because it will know that the method returns a vanilla string, not a html string. And that's exactly what mypy does: [steve ~]$ cat static_check_test.py class html(str): pass def func(s:html) -> None: pass func(html('').lower()) [steve ~]$ mypy static_check_test.py static_check_test.py:7: error: Argument 1 to "func" has incompatible type "str"; expected "html" Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file) Same with auto-completion. Either auto-complete will correctly show you that what you thought was a html object isn't, and fail to show any additional methods you added; or worse, it will wrongly think it is a html object when it isn't, and allow you to autocorrect methods that don't exist.