On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 01:53:37PM -0000, malmiteria wrote:
David Mertz, Ph.D. writes:
I guess the main threshold to try to cross is ONE person other than malmiteria in the universe of Python users.
I don't believe that David's denials that people are confused by super() are even a little bit reasonable. Of course people are confused by super, especially when it comes to multiple inheritance. Its a confusing technique. https://fuhm.net/super-harmful/ The problem with super is not super, but MI, which is inherently hard to use correctly even if you don't misunderstand super().
A coworker of mine once switched the order in which class were inherited from stating it wasn't gonna change anything.
Yes well that was just silly. Of course the order matters. Even in single inheritance, the order matters: Spam inherits from Eggs inherits from Cheese is not the same as Spam inherits from Cheese inherits from Eggs in the general case. We've all done "What the hell was I thinking?!?" errors when programming. I'm sure I've done sillier. -- Steve