On Mon, 25 Jul 2022 at 19:41, Михаил Крупенков <kno3.2002@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, I want that when Void is received in a function parameter it is not processed:
func(Void) == func() == "default"
It's very difficult to follow this topic because each of your posts begins a completely new thead, with no reference, no quoted text, nothing. Are you saying that Void is a value that doesn't exist? Or that it isn't a value? Python doesn't have any concept of a "value that isn't a value", and as we've seen from SQL's NULL, there are a lot of really bizarre edge cases when you try to make that work. (NULL is a value, except when it isn't. Honestly, I don't think there's any way to describe it that is accurate, useful, and concise.) Generally, when you're carrying a function signature through *a,**kw, it's best to use functools.wraps() to help out autocomplete tools. Rather than this messy Void type (which isn't a type, and isn't a value, but somehow can be assigned to a variable), perhaps it would be more useful to show where wraps() isn't able to help you, and look into ways to solve that problem? But please, please, fix your mail client first. ChrisA