On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 10:39 PM, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka@gmail.com> wrote:
19.05.13 21:58, Mark Janssen написав(ла):
We can't just "remove implicit concatenation", because that will break code which is currently working perfectly. And probably it will break more working code than it will fix unnoticed broken code.
Really? Isn't the number of programs breaking roughly equal to 2, perhaps less?
One is Python interpreter itself. What is other one?
And the other, with apologies to WS Gilbert, isn't. But it really doesn't matter. As long as that number is greater than zero, changing this will be a problem. I've not seen a single suggestion that doesn't have downsides as annoying as implicit concat's. In the absence of a *strong* alternative, I would be against any sort of change; why break code if the replacement is hardly better than the current? ChrisA