On Jun 24, 2013, at 17:40, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:

I agree that wanting to using keyword arguments everywhere
is excessive. But I do sympathise with the desire to improve
DRY in this area. While the actual number of occasions I've
encountered this sort of thing mightn't be very high, they
stick in my mind as being particularly annoying.

Brandon Rhodes gave a nice presentation at Pycon this year on naming where he argued that "well-factored nouns" can help make code more readable... and enabling the above pattern would make it easier to do what he suggests sometimes. (For those that missed it: http://pyvideo.org/video/1676/the-naming-of-ducks-where-dynamic-types-meet-sma, starting about 08:20 through 11:00 or so, although I think the whole talk was great).

I'm not saying that Python needs syntax for this, but I agree: the few times where I've had it come up, it is annoying.
