On 2022-01-18 at 12:07:15 +1100, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
I would be more sympathetic to this idea if:
1. I knew how to easily type all those brackets on the keyboard, without having to use a GUI character picker.
That's between you and your OS. I believe all the major ones have ways to enter arbitrary characters and/or switch keyboards without a GUI (I use Linux, and I know for sure that it does). Someone on this list keeps saying that everyone wants to know how to play the piano, but that no one wants to put in the hard work to learn to play the piano. ;-) I don't know the entire unicode database, but I have learned the code points I use often (and how to type them without a GUI picker). The unicode database clearly marks open and close parentheses, and even contains enough data (on initial examination) to match up the pairs (that doesn't help you easily type them, but it does help utility programs, GUI or otherwise, help you pick an approprite one at the right time).
2. I had a guarantee that all of the bracket characters would be both available and easily distinguishable in any typeface I used.
You don't have that gurantee now, unless you check for all those things yourself ("easily distinguishable" is subjective) before you use a typeface. *only half a wink*