... But an assignment expression target name always has the same scope within a comprehension. [which is a consequence of the rules - not a rule of its own]
Something related to ponder: what's the meaning of the following _without_ the proposed scope change? So the Golden Binding Rule (GBR) applies then: GBR: binding a name by any means always makes the name local to the block the binding appears in, unless the name is declared "global" or "nonlocal" in the block. def f(): ys = [y for _ in range(y := 5)] The second instance of `y` is local - but local to what? Since the range is evaluated _in_ f's scope, presumably that instance of `y` is local to `f`. What about the first instance of `y`? Is that _not_ local to the comprehension despite that the GBR insists it must be local to the comprehension? Or does it raise UnboundLocalError for consistency with the GBR, and "well, so just don't use any name in a comprehension that appears as an assignment expression target in the expression defining the iterable for the outermost `for` ". Or is it that despite that `range(y := 5)` is executed in f's scope, the _binding_ is actually performed in the comprehension's scope to a comprehension-local `y`, to both preserve GBR and avoid the UnboundLocalError? . But then what if `print(y)` is added after? If `range(y := 5)` really was executed in f's scope, surely that must print 5. Then what about [y for y in range(y := 5)] ? Now that there's another binding inside the comprehension establishing that `y` is local to the comprehension "for real", does that work fine and the rule changes to well, so just don't use any name in a comprehension that appears as an assignment expression target in the expression E defining the iterable for the outermost `for` - unless the name is _also_ used in a binding context in the comprehension outside of E too ? Or is that a compile-time error despite that the first 2 y's are now obviously comprehension-local and the final y obviously f-local? Or are assignment expressions disallowed in the expression defining the iterable for the outermost `for`, and both examples are compile-time errors? Talk about incoherent ;-) Under the proposed change, all instances of `y` are local to `f` in the first example, and the second example is a compile-time error for a _coherent_ reason (the ":=" binding implies "not local" for `y` - which has nothing to do with that it's in the outermost `for` -, but the "for y in" binding implies "local" for `y`).