David Mertz, Ph.D. writes:
Malmiteria is the FIRST person I've met "confused" by super(). No need to capitalise the first letter in malmiteria. I'm not sure what the quotes surrounding confused mean. What do you mean by those?
I guess the main threshold to try to cross is ONE person other than malmiteria in the universe of Python users. A coworker of mine once switched the order in which class were inherited from stating it wasn't gonna change anything. That's your one occurence i guess.
I know you meant it more as an insult than as a genuine "if you can find one other guy, i'll accept your proposal", but well, here it is, so, either do accept my proposal, or tell me what would be to you the reasonable threshold to meet. I'm not sure a threshold on its own is the right thing to look for, if you think there's a better metric, please let me know.