On 4 Sep 2019, at 22:58, Andrew Barnert <abarnert@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Sep 4, 2019, at 10:17, Anders Hovmöller <boxed@killingar.net> wrote:
Doesn't all that imply that it'd be good if you could just pass it the queue object you want?
Pass it a queue object that you construct? Or a queue factory (which would default to the SimpleQueue class, but you could pass, e.g., partial(Queue, max_len=10)? While either of those would be more flexible, it also breaks the abstraction, and the simplicity of the API.
Well we are talking about the case where the abstraction is broken already so that seems like it's reasonable.
It might still be worth it if anyone had a use case for anything but a fixed queue length, or a custom type of queue, etc. But I suspect nobody does.
Well if the API is changed and we just add the fixed length parameter we'd feel right stupid when the other valid use cases did show up :) /Anders