On May 4, 8:57 pm, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
Aahz <a...@pythoncraft.com> writes:
On Mon, May 04, 2009, John Graham wrote:
Has anyone ever suggested a standard pylint, something that might be distributed with the interpreter/libraries? As important as the 'look-and-feel' is to Python, it seems like an automated style-checker / 'you probably didn't meant to do that' engine would be a good idea to introduce even newbies to the language instead of them having to search it out.
Sure! I suggest that you start by checking with the maintainers of pychecker and pylint to find out how they feel about it.
The popularity of ‘pyflakes’ suggests it would be good to coordinate with that project too. <URL:http://divmod.org/trac/wiki/DivmodPyflakes> <URL:http://github.com/kevinw/pyflakes/>
I've sent emails to pylint, pychecker, pyflakes, and pep8.py. We'll see what comes out of that, but if anybody is aware of any alternative emails for any of the above, I should probably send something to those too- the one for pylint in particular doesn't look like it's been checked in a while. Geremy Condra