On Jan 30, 2012 4:23 PM, "Massimo Di Pierro" <massimo.dipierro@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do not think the issue is whether the people who use that semantic understand it or not. I can assure you they do and they know when it is appropriate to use it or not. The issue is whether there is any value is making it faster by including it in python or not. Because of the increasing popularity of JS I think new users are starting to expect something like it out of the box.  

But this design decision in JavaScript is at the heart of many problems (e.g. simply looping over keys is a pain).  That it is widely used doesn't make it desirable. My experience with JavaScript is that we should keep this 'feature' out of Python. If people want it they can implement it very easily but encouraging them would be wrong.
