[if this isn't the correct spot, let me know and I'll gladly take it elsewhere] I have found myself needing powerset functionality several times recently to the point where I wondered if there's interest in making it part of the standard library. I have a working implementation and tests. Would take but 3 minutes to add it in and issue a pull request, but I'd like to know if there's interest from esteemed group members. Thanks for the quick turnaround. -- H -- OpenPGP: https://sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xFEBAD7FFD041BBA1 If you wish to request my time, please do so using bit.ly/hd1AppointmentRequest. Si vous voudrais faire connnaisance, allez a bit.ly/hd1AppointmentRequest. Sent from my mobile device Envoye de mon portable