On Sun, Aug 24, 2008, Russ Paielli wrote:
In Python, the class instance for which a method is called is referred to within the method by the first formal argument. By convention, that first argument is typically named "self". Attributes of "self" are referred to using the standard "dot" notation, as in "self.attr". As a result, complex methods can become cluttered with many occurrences of "self.". This PEP proposes to allow the dollar symbol, "$", to be used as a shorthand symbol for "self." or, in general, for "<arg1>.", where "<arg1>" is the name of the first argument. Thus, "self.attr" could be written more succinctly as "$attr".
<sniff><sniff> Smells like Perl. -1 (Sorry, but that *will* be the automatic reaction from many people, and because your proposal doesn't deal with the issue up-front, it has no chance to fly.) -- Aahz (aahz@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/ Adopt A Process -- stop killing all your children!