MRAB, 20.01.2010 00:01:
Georg Brandl wrote:
Your obvious queue iterator would call get(block=False) and stop on Empty. The other obvious meaning is be to call get(block=True) forever. IMO they are both too "obvious" to make a call -- an explicit while loop is better.
I would have expected the behaviour to be infinite/blocking, so I guess I'm +1 on the "non-obvious" bit.
To me the 'obvious' meaning is to call get(block=True) and have it raise Empty (actually, StopIteration) when the queue is empty and the 'sender' has somehow signalled that no more items will be put into the queue (q.finished()?). This would also eliminate the need for a sentinel!
You could always use for item in iter(my_queue, THE_SENTINEL): ... I think that's simple enough. Stefan