Brian Curtin wrote:
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 15:05, Mike Graham wrote:
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Brian Curtin wrote:
Names tend to be nouns, so first I can't imagine why you'd want "with" as a name, but you could exchange almost all keywords in the example and it's not a great case. Making this change rather than working around poor name choice gets a -1 from me.
To nitpick, names don't tend to be nouns only. Names of functions and methods tend to be verbs and names of interfaces and abstract classes are sometimes adjectives.
The point still stands regardless of my your nitpicking. "with" is a bad name for any of those. As is try, raise, pass, import, break, True, etc.
I can easily see several of those working fine for boolean names. Still -1 to the idea, though. ~Ethan~