Mike Meyer wrote:
There are any number of languages with readable pattern matching - Icon, Snobol and REXX all come to my mind. Searching pypi for "snobol" reveals two snobol string matching libraries, and I found one on the web based on icon.
Possibly we should investigate adding one of those to the standard library, along with a cross-reference from the regexp documentation?
I've only checked out snopy: http://snopy.sourceforge.net/user-guide.html As far as I can tell, that far from ready for production, and it looks like it hasn't been updated since 2002. I am interested in string-rewriting rules, Markov algorithms and the like, so speaking in the abstract, +1 on the concept. But concretely, I don't think the standard library is the place for such experiments. I think that somebody would need to develop a good quality pattern matcher which gets good real-world testing before it could be considered for the standard library. -- Steven