On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:35 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 09:09:02PM -0700, Bruce Leban wrote:
> I think making @ right associative would make this less suitable for other
> uses. Example
> someclassobject @ somevalue @ somevalue
> won't work with right-associativity.

Why not? It works with the other right-associative operator:


It won't work because right-associativity means that the two values on the right are combined together first and they won't be combined properly. given that the type of someclassobject is not consulted.

"Works" depends on what you expect it to do. Unless you tell us what
these "other uses" are, how can we know that right-associativity won't

Here's a simple example to illustrate the concept. Suppose I have a class that is roughly equivalent to a dict mapping values to lists of values, e.g.,

a = {
    1: [10, 11, 12]
b = {
    1: [11, 13]

I might have 

a + b = {
    1: [10, 11, 12, 11, 13]  # appends
a @ b = {
    1: [10, 11, 12, 13]  # appends non-duplicate values

but I also want to be able to merge in standard dicts. If @ is right-associative, a @ x @ y where x and y are dicts, will try to compute x @ y first and built-in dict doesn't supporr the @ operator. Even if it did, it's not going to do what I'd want here.

I also want to give a larger example to illustrate the kind of thing I think this operator would be useful for. SQLAlchemy has query objects where you can write something like


I image that this could use the @ operator:

some_query @ filter(...) @ order_by(...) @ join(...)

The benefit here is that I have filter objects, order_by objects, etc. that can be passed around rather than only having API calls. In the current API, it's clumsy to support that as I either need both filter objects and a query.filter method or I need a clumsy query.apply method. Having an @ operator I think works really well. Left vs. right associativity is useful if I wanted to support other kinds of objects on the right hand side of the @, e.g., if:

some_query @ { column1: value1, column2: value2, ... }

as another spelling of

some_query @ filter(column1=value1, column2=value2, ... }

--- Bruce
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