On 15/07/2023 21:08, Dom Grigonis wrote:
Just to add. I haven’t thought about evaluation. Thus, to prevent evaluation of unnecessary code, introduction of C-style expression is needed anyways:
1. result = bar is None ? default : bar

The below would have to evaluate all arguments, thus not achieving benefits of PEP505.
2. result = ifelse(bar is None, default, bar)

So I would vote for something similar to:
result = bar is None ? default : bar

Where default and bar is only evaluated if needed. Although not to the extent as initially intended, it would offer satisfiable solutions to several proposals.

Well, default is only evaluated if needed; bar is always evaluated.
What is wrong with the Python equivalent

result = default if bar is None else bar
or if you prefer
result = bar if bar is not None else default

Perhaps you didn't know about this construction?
It does exactly the same as the C version and is more readable.  Or am I missing something?
Best wishes
Rob Cliffe