This belongs on python-ideas, not python-dev. I've directed replies to this message there. Comments below. On 26May2019 21:52, Montana Burr <> wrote:
NumPy arrays have this awesome feature, where array == 3 does an element-wise comparison and returns a list. For example:
[False,False,True,False,False] It would be cool if Python had similar functionality for lists.
map(lamdba item: item==3, [1,2,3,4,5]) I'm not sure this rates extra Python features. Personally I'm -1 on this suggestion because == traditionally returns a Boolean, NumPy notwithstanding. Your example above doesn't return a Boolean.
If that is not possible, perhaps we could consider allowing developers to overload operators on built-in types within the context of a project or module. For example, an overload in one module would have no effect on the same operator in a different module (such as any Python standard modules.)
This is usally done by overloading dunder methods on classes. if you class subclasses a builtin eg int or list then the instances get the special behaviour.
Additionally, let's then give the developers the option to explicitly import an overload from other modules. So, people could develop a module with the purpose of providing overloads that make complete sense within a certain context.
If you go the subclass route you could do this with a mixin class (a class providing methods but little else, intended to be part of the MRO of a subclass). Cheers, Cameron Simpson <>