On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 12:35 PM Chris Barker <chris.barker@noaa.gov> wrote:
I've taught enough and I'm sure everyone else here has too, to know that the "else" in a for loop in non-intuitive to a lot of folks. And maybe a different keyword would have been clearer. But it is what it is, could we keep this discussion to the proposed addition?

I'm not sure the keyword being "else" is the real problem. It's certainly correlated, but I've noticed a similar confusion for "finally" and "else" in "try" blocks, where the keywords are quite natural. The confusion might in fact simply be a difficulty with the concept "do this if the loop completed without breaking" rather than a difficulty linking that concept to the word "else".

Either way, that's a tangent, and I agree that discussion on "else" should be (mostly) separate from a discussion on adding a new keyword.