Hi Collin Thanks for the reply. | It sounds like what you're looking for is FunctionTestCase | (http://docs.python.org/lib/unittest-contents.html). Using that, your | loop above becomes something like | | for testFunc, expectedResult in MyTestData: | def tester(): | self.assertEqual(testFunc(), expectedResult) | suite.addTest(FunctionTestCase(tester)) I had read about FunctionTestCase but it didn't seem to be what I was looking for - though it's the closest. FunctionTestCase is intended to allow people to easily bring a set of pre-existing tests under the umbrella of unittest. It overrides setUp and tearDown, and doesn't result in the test being a first-class test like those you get when you write tests for unittest from scratch (using TestCase directly, or something you write based on it). I want to dynamically (i.e. at run time) add functions that are treated equally with those that are added statically in python code. That could be really simple (and I can hack around it to achieve it), but the current method unittest uses to set its self._testMethodName prevents me from doing this in a nice way (because TestCase.__init__ immediately does a hasattr to look for the named method, and fails if it's absent). I wonder if I'm being clear... it's pretty simple, but my explanation may not be so good. Regards, Terry