On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 08:02:08PM +0300, Ivan Pozdeev via Python-ideas wrote:
My experience with these operators in C# says: * They do save "more than a few keystrokes". Even more importantly, they allow to avoid double evaluation or the need for a temporary variable workaround that are inherent in "<expr> if <expr> else <alternative>" * (An alternative solution for the latter problem would be an assignment expression, another regularly rejected proposal.) * They make it temptingly easy and implicit to ignore errors.
* They are alien to Python's standard semantics on search failure which is to raise an exception rather than return None
Alien, like this? py> mo = re.match(r'\d:', 'abc') py> mo is None True Besides, who said this is limited to searching? I don't remember even a single example in the PEP being about searching. -- Steve