On Sun, 20 Mar 2016 at 13:35 Rick Johnson <rantingrickjohnson@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sunday, March 20, 2016 at 12:37:48 PM UTC-5, Brett Cannon wrote:
> I tried to be calm about asking the tone to be turned down
> on this topic, but I feel like I wasn't listened to, so
> consider this your official warning, Rick: stop the
> bombastic, insulting tone or you will be banned.

Hello Brett (and all Group Members),

Since it had become obvious to me, that the emotions
surrounding this subject-matter present a high probability
of turning toxic, I had made the decision to drop this
thread last night -- there is no need for me to continually
beat this dead horse, the community has made its decision.

Thank you for recognizing that your emotions were getting the better of you.

But please do realize, Rick, that the warning does stand and it is not relegated to just this discussion thread, so please take the time in the future to think through your emails to this list before you send them as I would prefer to not have to ban you (or anyone else for that matter; banning people is a bit stressful for me as I don't exactly enjoy that responsibility, but I will deal with the stress if I feel anyone causes people to dread reading emails from this list due to their behaviour).
