Guilherme Polo schrieb:
So.. is there any chance we can enter in agreement what features would be useful in a test discovery that could be included with Python ? I for myself do not have fancy wishes for this one, I would be happy with something that would collect unittests, inside packages and subpackages, with some fixed patterns and let me run them with test.test_support.run_unittests, or maybe something that would collect unittests and doctests and have something like run_tests in test.test_support. But then I believe this wouldn't be good enough to substitute any of the current tools, making the addition mostly useless.
I'm +1 for a simple (!) test discovery system. I'm emphasizing on simple because there are enough frameworks for elaborate unit testing. Such a tool should - find all modules and packages named 'tests' for a given package name - load all subclasses of unittest.TestCase from 'tests' module or '*/tests/test*.py' files - support some basic filtering for test cases or test functions Do we need more features? Christian