Paul, We are just going into beta, so we are not yet in a position to run the tests you mentioned. When we go to release 1.0, we will be able to do that. You can verify one of the metrics with the posted Complex Calc assembly code, which is a pdf at the Resources link. Shortly I will be blogging on the Six Second Video (which is listed in Speed Metrics link on the left side of the home page), and it will have the assembly listing as well. As far as limitations, the Technical FAQs cover as many limitations as we know of now. For example, under "classes" we mention that we can't do a derivitave class unless the base class is in the same .py file. We also mention that classes without the "self" word are not supported. We don't currently support print statements or async io. There are other limitations in the Tech FAQs, but hopefully they are not significant. To be clear, this is a project in development and I posted it here to get developer feedback specifically from developers who have a real need to speed up their project. For some projects, speed is not important. PysoniQ is not currently a commercial product, so this was not intended as an advertisement. I wanted to get technical feedback, bearing in mind that for reasons stated earlier it's not open source and the source is not published. As mentioned earlier, we are open to the idea of open source if we can find a large enough community of volunteers with the skills to translate Python directly to assembly language without using an intermediate representation or a third party compiler like LLVM. I apologize for any misunderstanding. Mark