On 30/10/2013 17:06, Bruce Leban wrote:
I don't know if the code is wrong but if you're asking if the *result* of join is wrong, I don't think it is. It references the same file as these commands:
cd /static cat /styles/largestyles,css
I agree it might be confusing but it's pretty explicitly documented. On the other hand, this is also documented and it's wrong by the above standard
os.path.join(r'c:\abc', r'\def\g') # Windows paths '\\def\\g'
On Windows \def\g is a drive-relative path not an absolute path. To get the right result you need to do:
drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(r'c:\abc') drive + os.path.join(path, r'/def/g') 'c:/def/g'
This works even on systems that don't use drive letters. It would be nice if there was a less clumsy way to do this. It's worse than that because it also screws up UNC paths
os.path.join(r'\\abc\def\ghi', r'\x\y') '\\x\\y'
The result references a UNC share of \\x\y rather than a directory of x which is also wrong. It would be nice if there was a simpler way to get this right:
os.path.join(r'c:\abc', r'\x\y', keep_drive_unc=True) 'c:\\x\\y' os.path.join(r'\\abc\def\ghi', r'\x\y', keep_drive_unc=True) '\\\\abc\\def\\x\\y'
Shouldn't that be '\\\\abc\\x\\y'?