Joao, apologies for replying late - I never got back to this message. I wrote:
Yes, but have you _seen_ the bickering about the existing bracket choices just for frozenset? Eww. Hence the going for a distinct operator altogether. Yes, I'd prefer brackets of some kind too, but they're taken.
On 21Jan2022 10:29, Joao S. O. Bueno <jsbueno@python.org.br> wrote:
If one uses prefixes, you start from 53 valid (all latin areas, upper, lower and @) new brackets for {} . I can't see how they are "all taken" when the strongest argument against prefixing seems to be "but _only strings_ should have prefixes". (with the "typing f{} instead of f() is going to be a bug magnet" as a runner up). None of those stand up to any logical analysis
Agreed. I think I found a short prefix "f{" hard to see, but that is just "practice". I'm not inherently in the "but _only strings_ should have prefixes" camp. My remark about the bickering was aimed at unadorned brackets eg the "{{frozen literal set here }}" suggestion. Anyway, this post is just for clarification, not arguing any particular point. Cheers, Cameron Simpson <cs@cskk.id.au>