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Improving Performance by Running Independent Tasks Concurrently - A Survey

processes               | threads                    | coroutines             
purpose        | cpu-bound tasks         | cpu- & i/o-bound tasks     | i/o-bound tasks        
               |                         |                            |                        
managed by     | os scheduler            | os scheduler + interpreter |
customizable event loop
controllable   | no                      | no                         | yes                    
               |                         |                            |                        
parallelism    | yes                     | depends (cf. GIL)          | no                     
switching      | at any time             | after any bytecode         | at user-defined points 
shared state   | no                      | yes                        | yes                    
               |                         |                            |                        
startup impact | biggest/medium*         | medium                     | smallest               
cpu impact**   | biggest                 | medium                     | smallest               
memory impact  | biggest                 | medium                     | smallest               
               |                         |                            |                        
pool module    | multiprocessing.Pool    | multiprocessing.dummy.Pool | asyncio.BaseEventLoop  
solo module    | multiprocessing.Process | threading.Thread           | ---                    

biggest - if spawn (fork+exec) and always on Windows
medium - if fork alone

due to context switching

On 26.07.2015 14:18, Paul Moore wrote:
Just as a note - even given the various provisos and "it's not that
simple" comments that have been made, I found this table extremely
useful. Like any such high-level summary, I expect to have to take it
with a pinch of salt, but I don't see that as an issue - anyone who
doesn't fully appreciate that there are subtleties, probably wouldn't
read a longer explanation anyway.

So many thanks for taking the time to put this together (and for
continuing to improve it).
You are welcome. :)
+1 on something like this ending up in the Python docs somewhere.
Not sure how the process for this is but I think the Python gurus will find a way.